
My dad is sick and has heart failure.?

by  |  earlier

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My dads chest was hearting and spots came, the doctor said it was, heart failure, what do u think will happen, this was yesterday




  1. you poor thing, just make sure youall stan by him and help him to feel the best he can!!

    Dont you worry thr docs will do their best for him!!

    Take care


  2. He should be in hospital.

  3. I shall pray for him tonight

  4. If he is young enough for a heart transplant, they may throw him on the list. Heart failure is extremely tricky. I assume he's in a hospital already.

    For your own personal benefit, it is important you ask the doctor as many questions as possible. It is your right to be informed. No doctor can hold information from your father, regarding his condition. Ask the doctor if there are any experimental treatments or possibilities in transplantation. Ask for a prognosis. The worst feeling you could have is being left in the dark. If you already tried asking your doctor this question and was not satisfied, ask again and more forcefully. Ask him  in similar situations with other patients, what usually happens.

    Best of luck. I hope everything turns out okay.

  5. They might give him a heart bypass or something.  He's in the best of hands tho, doctors know what they're doing and have done it loads before.  Hope he gets better soon xx

  6. My father has CHF which is Congestive Heart Failure. They put him in the hospital and gave him diuretics to get rid of the fluid build up. Then they got him started on medicine.  He is doing ok,  and has lived with this condition for about 3 years now.  He has to take it easy when he works outside in the garden or mowing etc. because he runs out of breath more now.  Good luck with your father!

  7. If the doctor says thats wat it is it may well be, but you know gps these days.... give him lots of love and care (possibly take him to the hospital)- hope this helps


  8. hiya don't worry yourself,i have got heart failure,i have had it for 3 years.they may put him on water tablets,that drains the fluid away from his heart,he will keep peeing a lot.he must drink plenty of water whiles he is on these.also it a good Ida to put his legs up on a chair,when he is relaxing,that helps drain the fluid away from his heart.he might go into hospital to get him on the right medicine.don't worry he will be fine,and with your nursing he should get well soon.xx

  9. he will get admitted to hospital dont worry he will be ok

  10. cant say not a doctor myself but wish him well from me

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