
My dad is so strict about everything! How do i DEAL with it?

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My dad wont let me do anything and i am a 4.0 student. For example he wont even let me get my hair highlighted or let me see my own mom any more than 4 weeks in the summer, every other monday and every other weekend during the school year and im 13 years old i feel like a 3 year old!




  1. Sorry, baby cakes, but your daddy is on the right track.  He's proving how much he cares about you and your welfare and how you turn out in life.  My son used to call me the meanest mom in the world, but when he grew up, moved out, had a child, his first call was to me to tell me he wanted me to come to California and live so I could help him raise his daughter the same way I had raised him.  So, someday, even though you don't see that now, you will appreciate this daddy of yours and the fact that he cared enough about you to have rules.

  2. it does sound like your dad is a little overprotective. he has a good reason about the hair thing, but about your mom, unless she is an alcoholic, drug addict, or is abusive, you should be allowed to see her more often. talk to your mom about maybe going to court.

    good luck!  

  3. I went through the same thing.

    You wake up late for school man you don't want to go. You ask your mom "please" but she still says "no". Man, living at home is such a drag, my mom threw away my best porno mag.

    The bottom line is you've got to fight. For your right.

    To party.  

  4. ohhh all of 13 huh? well your dad is right, he is trying to protect you because you are his little girl and oh by the way 13, 23, 33, it does not matter he always will try to protect you. why? BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU

  5. 13 is a hard age to contend with as you have certain opinions and would like to have the freedom of carrying out some of your reasonable wants BUT alas your a minor and  have to obey your fathers demands. Keep on being a good student and when you become of age you will be able to get a great job and leave your fathers house and be independent therefore making your own decisions about your hair and more importantly whom you have relationships with.  Success is the best revenge! A little Patience it won't be very long before you know it the time will come. While your waiting imagine your future as you would like it to be, as expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things into your life,and your desires will become your reality. Good Luck!

  6. my dad is the same way but i fight with him all the time to prove to him that i can do what i want.and in the end he know's i'm right works

  7. do you know why exits tell you a nice lil' speed limit on highways ??

    because the nice folks at DOT did the math... the engineers know what they are doing. why ? because it's there thing

    where I'm getting is, sometimes you have to slow down and follow the speed limit so you don't crash.

  8. I think that you mean the world to your dad and he thinks that if he has control over your every move you will be safe. The best thing to do with a parent like that is to sit him down and talk in adult language. I know as teenagers we sometimes have a hard time talking to our strict parents with out getting defensive and angry but if you use terms like; I understand your point of view but please listen to mine, Okay I understand but can we please compromise on this?, It would really mean a lot to me if you would work with me a little here. Things like that will help him see the responsible woman you are becoming. btw the reason he does not let you spend a lot of time with you mom has nothing to do with you. It has a lot to do with their relationship. Adults like to punish each other through their children.  

  9. You shouldn't dye your hair anyway, on really young girls it looks desperate for attention. And as for seeing your mom, that's the courts decision. And I'm sure your father is treating you like a 13 y/o not 3, you are just trying to be and look older than you actually are.

  10. I know this is hard, but you should be very thankful that you have a father that cares that much about you.

    I have so many older friends whose parents didn't give a c**p whether they got knocked up or not. They are huge faliures in life, they've got no jobs, no nothing.

    Maybe now you won't be thankful, but when you grow up, you will be so thankful that your dad steered you in the right path.

  11. My dad and I were the same way when I was growing up. You are his baby girl, and it's really hard for dad's to accept that! When you butt heads, calm down and think about everything he has done or you not what he won't do for you. Then talk it over with him, sometimes they need to be reassured that their little girl is growing up okay, and that you are proving your responsibility.  

  12. You can see your mom as much as you want to if you go to court and tell them that you want to see your mom. As for the other things, no such luck in changing his mind.

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