
My dad just died and he left me some money,where should i go for help in finding a good investment?

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My dad just died and he left me some money,where should i go for help in finding a good investment?




  1. I could give you my sort code and account number and if you deposit in there i'm sure i can make it grow for you lol.

  2. Without having more information about your personal information, such as age, current income and other data such as risk tolerance, martial status, and demographics it would be very inappropriate for me or any other person to provide specific investment information in this type of media

    There are many people just like you that are, or were looking to invest and those that did bought Mutual Funds and/or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  One purpose of mutual funds is to help investors like you, who are either just entering the investment world or who have no investing experience.  Once you feel you at least have an understanding of investments you should look into ETFs which are similar to mutual funds but are traded on the exchanges.

    Mutual Fund companies as well as ETFs have an entire array of products many will fit your needs. You can go to the MSN.Money website  it has an entire section on mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds.  Read about the various products and in doing so you will be getting investment ideas and at the same time educating yourself about investing.

    You could also contact the funds companies for more information.  I have found that Vanguard & Fidelity can meet your needs for mutual funds.  The service and information they provide is all free and you will find it helpful.

  3. DONT      u    know that wat ur dad's wish

  4. Investopedia:

    I recommend it. Clear-cut information on the financial world and the 'Ask Us' feature allows information fed to be tailored for your needs.

  5. The Bar

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I lost my dad too when I was younger, and our family had a huge windfall shortly after.

    From experience, I would suggest that you put off investing for the next 12 months. The reason for this is that you may not be in the right mind to make sound investment decisions.

    You can put that money in debt securities, like treasury bills or bank CD's until the next 12 months.

    After my father died, we were itching to make investments left and right, thinking we were getting the best investment advice, not only from professionals, but also from friends and family. In 3 years, all the money we got was gone.

    I hope my experience can help point you in the right direction.

  7. term deposit earns extra interest

  8. Sorry about your dad!  Check out the Motley Fool Site at  They have great advice and some 101 investment info for you.  To just deposit and let it grow you could purchase some stable dividend stocks like Coke or Proctor and Gamble.  You could go with a little more aggressive approach with Chinese On line travel CITI TRIP (CTRP)  Good luck!

  9. Check It Out                                                                                                                                                              

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