
My dad just put all these crazy parental controls on my laptop for no reason?! and i need to bypass them! ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Maybe that's why he put the parental controls on it.

  2. If you want serious answers, you are going to have to give more details then that. What operating, what parental controls, what program?

    Edit: Ok, do you want to bypass it or disable it? You can use a program like ophcrack to gain the admin. password and disable  parental controls, or you can use a proxy server to get around any filters.

    I could give you step by step instructions, but I'm not going to do that. If you are not mature enough to figure it out with the information I gave you, then you have no need to bypass such restrictions in the first place.

  3. Yeah, dad's are crazy like that. He must love you very much. Next time, buy your own laptop.

  4. Sorry, but it can't be done. I wish all dads were as responsible and caring as your dad.  

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