
My dad kicks me sometimes, what do I do?

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My dad kicks me sometimes, what do I do?




  1. wow, what a bully your dad is. Next time he does it, put bleach on his toothbrush. No, just kidding, don't do that. Is there anyway you could talk to him? Probably not, bullies are all the same. Getting pleasure out of anothers pain. If he does it all the time,  would talk to a counselor at school about it.

  2. cut your legs off

  3. Honey if someone is kicking you you don't deserve it so call someone and tell them.  I know it can be scary to do something big like that but no one does anything that would warrant that......try your mom, pastor, teacher, councilor, anyone can help...but please do it soon so you don't really get hurt more.

  4. Get him a dog so he can kick the dog instead.

  5. If you are his size, kick him back. If you are a female or very young,

    tell your school counselor or a responsible adult.

  6. 911 child abuse

  7. Tell an adult that you really trust or a counselor from school. If that doesn't work call child services.  

  8. Nope,this is not right your father cannot being kicking you because this is child endangerment!

    you need to call child welfare or 911.

  9. Tell your Mum or better still HIS Mum if she is around.Let him know that if he does it again you will make sure his friends know what a bully he is. Then report it to a social worker & the police, if it happens again.

  10. You need to talk to a counsellor right away. If he is leaving marks, if you can, take pictures of it when it happens. No one should go through that no matter what.

  11. Pee in things that he drinks. Scrub the base of the toilet with his toothbrush.  Call human services, or the police after a week of getting back at him.  Put Nair hair remover in his shampoo.  I can go like this all day long.

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