
My dad left when i was young and wants me back in his life what should i do? please help

by  |  earlier

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my dad left when i was 5 and now that i am grown and have kids now he wants something to do with me my step dad is the one who walked me down the aisle when i got married he was there when i had both my children and will be there for my third what should i do i am lost should i let this man that walked out on me years ago back into my life after 15 years of another man taking care of me which is now my moms husband of 16 years i am confused please help me




  1. look you need to say yes but be careful he might need something and is using u

  2. agree to meet him and talk about why he did this and why he suddenly wants you in his life after all these years. there's really no excuse for his behaviour but you might as well see what excuse he tries to give. it would probably be good for your kids to see their real grandad but might complicate things as they probably know your stepdad as their grandad. i dont know....just talk to him and see how it goes :) X at least your dad wants to see dad hates me!

  3. What ever you do you need some closure. See him once to find out what he really wants. You tell him what you really want. This isn't easy. The thing here is you control the mood. If you don't want him around tell him. The answers are all yours. I know this doesn't help much but it's your choice. Do whats best for you.  

  4. wow that suxs it matters did ur dad write to u call u at all if he was gone if so maybe u should give him a chanca if not walk away u have a dad even if he isnt ur blood!

  5. love & forgiveness will make u feel good....think of ur dad as an old famnily friend and treat him as such - if he annoys you - you can tell him to go away

  6. I have a good friend going through about the same thing!

    First i would go to you mother and step father and see how they feel!

    There is no reason to put your children through what you went through how would they feel to have there grandfather walk in there life and then he just leaves\them like he left you grandparents are VERY important in a childs life!

    You and your children already have a great male roll model your STEP FATHER!

    Dont change something already going so well!

  7. I've never got to see my father I got a phone call when I was 10 and he wanted me to be back in his life I really never said yes or no I just keep my dad like a friend who would want someone who left them when they were so little!?

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