
My dad needs help! <span title="Bi-polar/stroke/dementia/schizophrenia???">Bi-polar/stroke/dementia/...</span> Serious answers only please!!?

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My dad is struggling BIG time right now... he is a diagnosed bi-polar and has been in & out of mental hospitals for the past 5 years. He just got released this past monday & my step-mom called this morning to inform me that my dad is acting as if he has had a stroke/ or possibly suffering from dementia.

Since Monday, he has had problems writing, speaking, and remembering where he lives or even simple functions like when to eat or go to the bathroom. My step-mom asked the dr. what my dad's lithium level is to rule out lithium overdose (my dad has also been complaining that everything smells like sulfur & he's been refusing to eat because things taste rotten!).

He is due for an MRI this tuesday. Has anyone in the yahoo community dealt with something like this (either first-hand or knew of somebody going thru this)? I just need some advice on how to help my dad out.




  1. dont worrie take him out treat him as if he was normale and go fishing out to eat.

  2. My father went through this. With him it was stroke and dementia due to Parkinsons. He was very frightened doing the MRI &amp; needed a lot of support during and afterwards until he was able to forget it. We used to make light of him choosing the wrong words to try &amp; say what he meant. All you can do is don&#039;t let him see your concern. Put on a brave face in front of him and encourage him to eat and drink. Try to find things that might occupy his mind a little. Best wishes. UK

  3. i feel horrible for you.

    my grandfather has dementia.

    its soo upsetting to witness.

    bless you and your entire family.


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