
My dad now hates me because i choose the career he didn't want me to to have. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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He wanted me to be something that relates to the sciences

and i want to become a designer of some sort.

He thinks lowly of the job and when I told him what i wanted to be, he got very upset and now is not speaking to me.

He is letting me be a designer but will not pay for my education or allowances or anything like that any longer. And obviously, he is incredibly mad at me.

I have no idea what to do. I know I'll hate my life if I get a job doing science. I know for sure that I'd have so much more fun doing something in the arts.

I don't really care that he won't give me money cause I'm willing to provide that myself.

But I'm just upset because I have a feeling it'll be those cliche movie plots where my dad and I won't speak for like 10 years because I chose to do what I wanted. I don't want that to happen.

Is there anything I can say to him?



I am a 16 year old girl.

who is undoubtly lost.

about her future.

please help.




  1. You're doing the right thing by pursuing design and in time your dad will get over it. You might try writing him a letter explaining why you want to pursue this. You might also point out that most design occupations require some knowledge of computers, math (such as geometry), and color. You also might tell him that very good designers, whether they are interior designers or graphic designers or some other kind can make very good incomes. I have a friend who's a graphic designer who earns over $80,000/year doing design for corporations.  

  2. Sunflower, you certainly make it sound like your dad is disappointed in your career choice.  However; I somehow doubt very much that he hates you because of your choice.  Also I'm certain once you have graduated and landed a job that he will be just as proud of you as if you had chosen to study under Steven Hawkings.  You are still a young girl and need to make life choices that are satisfying to you, and not your dad, as you will be the one completing these jobs for the next 30 or more years.  As far as having to pay your own freight to school this too will feel more like an accomplishment if you are the one paying for your education.  Here again I am pretty sure that if you keep your grades up he will soon bend and start sending some monetary funds your way.  Best of luck.

  3. your life needs to make you feel forfilled and keep you happy so you should never give up what you want to do. tell him your making money for yourself and a future, not being a teen mum or hooked on something. you have choosen a bright future that makes you happy and parents should support what makes you happy! tell him you dont want to loose contact with him and you know he disapproves but sak him . would you truely feel satisfied if i got the job you wanted me to get and i went to work every day unmotivated and sad?

  4. I don't know if there is anything that you can do, other than look into getting a part-time job and delve into financial aid options as to your academic pursuits.

    I suspect that for some reason your dad presumed that you would be choosing a path that would allow him to live out his boyhood dreams vicariously.  However, the creativity that you have inside you should not in my opinion be suppressed:  Rather, it should be let out to breathe and thrive.

    Perhaps in time your dad might mellow out, though if I were you I would not hold my breath waiting for this to occur.

  5. Your dad should be happy for you. Even if you didnt get the job that he wanted you to get, your happy with it. tell him thats what you want and your not so enterested with the science type of jobs. Yes he might be mad at you right now but he will get over it inafew days hopefully and everything will be a ok! hope it helps ALOT. bye!  

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