
My dad passed away and I feel a little lost. Any tips?

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My dad passed away and I feel a little lost. Any tips?




  1. I am sorry.

    You could try joining a support group, or go to a counselor.

    Talking will make it better.


  2. Well i haven't lost my dad but i lost my granddad a couple of months ago (not the same thing, but anyway) and i think how i coped was just being around family and everything and just try to take my mind off it by doing other stuff. maybe you might just want to be alone by yourself and have a cry.

  3. you know what sucks most about this, ppl will tell u lots of different things and you really just need to find ur own path. Grief and loss is a huge thing to deal with, and sometimes ppl think it's just about the loss of someone from ur world, but it's not just that, it's about the lost dreams about things in the future that sometimes hurt the most, e.g. not having ur dad there on a special day. My biggest tip is: of course u feel lost, don't let anyone tell u that u shouldn't feel a certain way. and get a few really close friends just to dump on when needed :-)  

  4. sorry to hear that!

    may God bless his soul.

    Actually death is the biggest reality of life.

    we all have to go one day. one by one. So we should be emotionally strong and be prepare of it.

    Try to get more busy in ur work and dont get alone.

    try to pass more time outside house.

    God bless you and bless ur father soul

  5. I know how you feel as my grandfather, a person who was very close to me had died. You will eventually get over it but you will feel sad for some time. My grandfather died when I was young and I stayed sad for like a month. You can't do anything. You will have to recover. I am sorry for your father's death.  

  6. give you self more time

  7. Concentrate on pals or family that you can share memories/grief with.

    Many people will try to change the subject on you, but it's important for you to speak of him and remember.  It's like a release valve for grief.

    Once you done that every once in awhile, you'll find it easier to move on with your life, which is exactly what your Dad would want you to do.

    It worked for me when my Dad passed away.  Good luck :)

  8. my dad committed suicide 4 years ago, and i can tell you, the sense of loss will never go away. however, you can make it a little easier, and especially with time, things will get better.

    try to honor his memory when possible. you may want to make a point of taking things to his grave, sit and cry there, and just get out your feelings. i think the more you cry and get it out, the better you'll feel overall about it.

    remember the things he loved. be a little nostalgic.  

  9. im sorry for your loss.....

    death is always hard......i guess all i can say is cherish the moments you have with your loved ones

  10. sorry for your loss

    just do this remember the time you spent with him the good and bad..

    time heels but also talking also long as he is in your heart ...he will always be with you..

    we all feel lost when we lose some one close to us.

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