
My dad put a tracking device on my car im 32 where are they installed on the vehicle so i can remove it?

by  |  earlier

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Im 32 years old and my father put a tracking device on my car. How do i locate it and remove it from the vehicle. Its bullshit.




  1. Its easy to read more into your post.  If your dad bought the car, then get over it.  It's technically his car.

    If your dad has any legal responsibility for you such as you living in his house, a parole arrangement, or he funds some or all of your spending money, then again... get over it.

    If you bought your car, live outside of your father's influence, then send a certified letter that he needs to remove in in x number of days or your will pay a mechanic to find and remove the device and then sue him for the cost of the mechanic as well as time lost from work to conduct the suit.  Then file for a restraining order and sever ties with your father.

    Of course, there is also the question of why someone would feel a need to put a tracking device... but as mentioned prior, there are a lot of inferences from your post without better history posted.

  2. g row up , if your 32 why are u still at home , maybe its not your car,daddy making the payments,or paying for the gas &repairs?

  3. Important question here------------------  who's friggin car is it?    I mean not who is making payments,    I want to know who's name is on the title.  

    If his,   why are you at your age still depending on daddy to provide you wheels.   And since they are his,   leave the tracker alone,   he has every right to know where his car goes.  

    If the car has your name on the title,  he has no right to put any device on it without your permission.    Tell him to remove it or face suit for invasion of privacy.

    And at 32 years of age,   shouldn't you be able to structure a sentence and use punctuation better than you did.    Perhaps,  he is worried about you because you don't come across as the sharpest knife in the drawer!

  4. Sounds like someone dosen't trust you> What did you do? You will never find it because they make the device look like it belongs to the car.  I would have a good long talk with my dad and see what his problem is.

  5. I have installed many of these for commercial companies and the ones that I have installed will notify the main office it they are tampered with, just leave it alone..........

  6. Thats messed up!  They can be anywhere really.  Some are hooked up to an electronic wire while others are wireless!

  7. Umm, move out and sever all ties with him?

  8. I bet your dad told you he put a tracking device on, but didn't.  If he doesn't have a computer, he doesn't have a tracker on your car.  If he does have a computer, you should be able to find the programme linked to the tracker.  No programme, no tracker.

  9. Try a car dealership or auto mechanic. They probably know the most frequent places on a car where people would devices like that. That is freakishly crazy.

    Good luck.

  10. If you have a good friend that is a mechanic that would work great. But any mechanic should do it for you.

    As for the last answer who cares how he types his sentences its not like this is a job application. Its yahoo answers. Everybody is going to figure out what he is trying to ask.

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