
My dad says that we shouldn't do chores for money what should i do?????????

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Now we have to Read to get money!!




  1. What's the problem with Reading? It's a great way to learn about any subject you want! History, Geography, Animals, ANYTHING!! So, you have to at least try to enjoy reading! I love reading and my mom would NEVER pay me for just reading. You're lucky!!

  2. Well as a member of a healthy family I think you should still do a few chores. Help out.

    I think that's great that you dad is encouraging you to read w/ money. Expand your mind, earn some cash.

  3. You should maybe hand out newspaper articles.

  4. read if u want cash...

  5. if you are desperate for the money read.

  6. well, in a way he is right-you should do chores because that is what you do in families- if you want to get paid for the chores, then your parents will start charging you for laundry and meals and stuff- and hey- whats wrong with reading? i read for free, and that would be a great way to earn money-can you pick books you like?-what a great idea your folks have.

  7. I never gave my kids an allowance when they did their chores as they were part of this household and had to learn how to do things and as I told them after all you ate and slept here and you have clothes to wear

  8. Actually that's the only way he can get you to read, don't lie.

  9. Id rather read

    for money than do chores.

  10. I wished someone paid me to read instead of doing housework!!! You are lucky, girl. . . .

  11. I you pay your dad for bieng responsible going to work and actually sticking around for his kids (alot of men leave especially when they have spoiled annoying kids that ask for money)

    get a job if you want money

    i ve been working since i was 7! i never asked my mom for money and my father was never around for me to ask him for money

    chores should be done live there dont you why do u ask for money?

    thats the problem with the new ungratefull


    mown lawns

    rake leaves

    clean houses

    go door to pretending to have a donation thing for school

    thats what i did before i turned 15 i worked "under the table" at the mall and at 16 i got a legal job


  12. hey, i never got any allowance for reading or doing my chores, it was just mandatory, so take what u get, and read some more lol

  13. Read. Babysit. Mow people's lawns. Walk dogs.

  14. I would read a good third of a book a day...maybe a forth of a book and make sure it is a good book....hey if my parents gave me money to hav elike mastered the dictoionary by now....=)

  15. read... like a book. well if you didnt read much before then you will read now. other thing is you can get a job. thats what most people do.

  16. I LIKE YOUR DAD !!!

    he is a very smart guy,

    allowance should be in exchange for helping with the home and doing MORE THEN you fair share to help the family.

    Now, go make you bed,clean your room and get the laundry put away,

    get off the computer and do what needs to be done NOW !!

  17. he's right... he's doing you a huge favor, although you don't realize that right now.

  18. chores are in his eyes the way you help your family out on a daily basis like he does.   Maybe you should ask him about you getting a part time job after work to make money

  19. quit complaining............

    you get to READ?! and get paid for it? find yourself a good book and  get paid a **** ton... let me reccomend jodi picoult..shes a mystery/courtroom drama/"teen" life.... you might like it..start off with the book....the pact....really good.

  20. Read as much as you can. If you dont get paid that much try getting a part time job. Unless you are to young to then just read a lot

  21. reading is easier than chores go for it and read

  22. umm u should read and do chores.

  23. Okay then read.

  24. Read...

  25. I would have rather been reading than doing chores when I was your age.I love to read and usually when I started reading something, someone was hollering my name to get me to do something.

  26. Do what you are told, and tell the truth would seem to work well in this situation.

  27. Read then

  28. simple.  Find a good book.

  29. babysit with a friend my sister does it and they say its books that will interest you,read a magazine and see if he will pay you for reading that?

  30. get audiotapes or watch the movie of the book lol

  31. read, why is that so bad?


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