
My dad tells me i dont need my depression meds but my mom says i do

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am a teen who takes zoloft on a daily basis and i know it help but my dad tells me i dont need it but my mom says the oppisite ! i agree with my mom i feel a huge difference and my parrents are divvorced my mom tells me to stick up for myself but i hate being in the middle of things what should i do ?




  1. ask your Dad if he will go to a Psychiatrist session with you  

  2. If you are benefiting and you think you need them, then you should take them.  That isn't a decision either of your parents should be making for you.  It also isn't an in between the two of them situation.  It is you, your heath, your life.  It's not about them.

  3. If zoloft it is helping you then you need to continue this regardless of what your father says.  He doesn't have to know when you take them.  It is hard for people who don't suffer from depression to understand those who do.  My husband was one who said that people with depression need to snap out of it until it happened to him. Now he is more understanding of folks.

  4. Let me start by saying everyone has an opinion, but you are often the best judge of what you need-or at least you and your doctor. Many men do not like taking medication, so it would make sense they don't like see other loved ones using it. Also remember males go to doctors less ofter than women-until it is an emergency, so fathers may not be the best source of information.

    To me you're not in the middle You're in the Front-it's your mental health issue. I would follow what my doctor tells me to do.

  5. I take the Pill to. So Just Ignore your dad or Hide the pill when your with your dad.. (That's what I do)

  6. If they're making you feel better, definitely keep taking them.  You know your body best.  Depression is no fun to deal with.

  7. Don't listen to Clem Clem!!!! She's my friend. Just ignore her. I do think you should take them, though. Depression's a horrible thing to go through, and you shouldn't take the risk of not taking the pills and getting all depressed again. Don't overdose, though. Only take them as much as it instructs you to.  

  8. If the doc said you need them then you do.  The doctor would know better than your dad and I can be so smart mouthed sometimes that I am the kind of person that would tell him that.

  9. only take them as needed....only when you get dont need them all the time.

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