
My dad tells me.......?

by  |  earlier

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constantly that im not a part of his family anymore, while holding stepmom;s child... :[

any advice?




  1. rebel against your dad then,

    maybe he'll realise you ARE apart of this family

    and he won't treat you like dirt by saying what he's saying to you

    act like you don't scare (even though you do)

    and just see what happens.

    hope it works love,


  2. Kick him in the balls and say "good, you won't needs these anymore then..."

  3. make him understand that u love him and u r his daughter/son

  4. you have a mom !!!so let it be his loss he will on day eat those words one day .but don't take it out on your 1/2 brother or sister they did nothing . Just enjoy your life and treat this day like their is no tomorrow. Someday everything will make perfect sence. so for now Laugh at the confusion,Smile through the tears ,and keep reminding your self thaat everything happens for a reason.

  5. After looking at your Qs and As I have decided that you sound like the sweetest little thing. That is your dads loss. Stay with your mom and try to get her to get full custody. One day he'll wake up and realize what he missed.

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