
My dad think's i smoke marijuana!?

by  |  earlier

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ever since my dad found my window open and a candle lighter on the window sill, he thinks i smoke marijuana, he's been nonstop with accusing me and its making me really angry. I dont smoke marijuana! and i dont know what to say to him to get him to stop snooping in my room and just making me hate him for being so god d**n an noying. Any help with getting him to believe me, or what i can say?




  1. offer to take a random drug test....say "take me in whenever you want to without telling me when so you truly know nothing is happening."

  2. why did u have a candle lighter with the window open? lol. well just tell him that if he wants to know to go to the doctor to take a urine test and prove to him that ur not a pot head. thats what i would do. good luck! :D

  3. Burn the house down! lol

    And say it was an accident cause you were trying to smoke your Mary J. =]

    haha, no for seriously though.

    Just prove to him you're not by getting a p**s cup test.

  4. all parents will acuse their kids of something sometime or another. i'd give him some of my hair and tell him to test me for drugs.  you could also just do more stuff to get him to trust you more. hope this helped.

  5. tell him you know about the effects and that you think that people that do it have poor judgement and no self control, let him snoop because then h**l have no excuse to accuse you if he doesnt find anything, also tell the truth to him about how that lighter got there.

  6. Tell him the truth. Ingorne him when he talks about marijuana.

  7. I'd say "I'm telling you the truth. If you won''t believe me, let's make a bet. You drug test me and if I come out drug free, you OWE me $500! If I'm not drug free, I owe YOU $500." That would surely shut him up.

  8. hi, i have 3 teens.i don't believe in drug testing,how does thay build trust?

    you need to use humor,parents are damned abboying lol,i am one lol

    if you use candles,that explains the lighter.put it back on that what you used to do dad? etc make lots of marijuana jokes,offer to rent cheech and chong.humor goes a long wa in my home and has diffused a lot of tension with my 3.i trust them.thats the big issue,i dont however trust all other ppl,so i still annoy need to remind him you are trustworthy,talk to him honestly about....stuff

  9. Pee in a cup and tell him to take it to your dr and have it tested. If ya don't smoke it'll come back clean so u wont have any problems!!

  10. Nothing you can say really. Infact if you keep telling him "I dont smoke it" He might just think your saying that to hide the truth. Just go about your normal business and in time he will give up realizing he's wrong.

    Infact the best thing you can do is keep your cool and let him do as he wants. When he realizes you could careless if he snoops in your room it will come to his senses that your not hiding anything.

  11. let him drug test u if u dont.

  12. rember this

    they way you recat to a sutiation can affect how it wil lturn out

    meaning if you keep your cool he will realize you are not lieing or hiding the truth and will apolgize (not a ganturee with an apolgie)

    hey anwser my question please;...

    i anwsered yours

  13. Tell him to buy some sniffer dogs and search the house!

  14. Go to walgreens in the pharmacy and you can buy a drug test for 20 bucks. Pee in the cup right there for him and say ok look!!! Learn to trust your kids!!! and walk away. Good luck

  15. let him snoop your room once he don't find anything he will stop when you saying that you don't it can raise suspicion

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