
My dad treats me like a baby.he thinks im his little

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i need privacy my door dosen't have a lock i have to share a bathroom with my annoying brother and my bigger sister(she's 16) gets her own room and everything my dad say since im 11 i don't need privacy. but i think i do he still thinks that i like to watch barney and buys me kiddie stuff i mean its annoying i still have too read books for people under the age of 12 and when he drops me of some were he say bye bye my little princess. and i still can't get a cell phone im like in 7th grade i need one and at times my older brother hes 14 has walked in on me getting dressed so has my daddy and they just seem to always be on my computer.......I NEED PRIVACY




  1. Sometimes it's better to write it out then to scream it out. Instead of tellng your father you need more privacy...write him a nice letter. He will see how serious you are about this. Ask all members of your family to knock on your door before coming in, you don't need a lock on your door if they have respect for you.

    And If you REALLY want a cellphone, promise you'll only use it for emergencies, like for when you'll be late to go home or if you're lost or in trouble. That might make your dad think twice about not letting you have one.  

  2. Go out shopping with ur friends and buy a lock. Or beg for a lock and annoy the h**l out of them.

    If this doesn't work start wearing all black and emo-ish. Be none socialable around them. um.........thts all i got

  3. Be like:Dad you and (whatever your brothers name is) are ALWAYS walking in on me while I'm changing and I would really like to change without ppl watching me its just sick! Dad I know you don't think I need privacy but I really do I mean ever time my friends come over someones always walking in while were talking about boys(seriously make him think that thats the only type of secrets you have just that you like boys) and its really embarrassing.Can I PLEASE have a lock on my door?

    Answer mine plz?:

  4. first you do not NEED a cell one needs one..and tell them to move the computer if they can not respect the fact that you don't want people to see you getting dressed..if you share a room with your brother that's illegal and sharing a bathroom happens..h**l right now my boyfriend and I are sleeping on his moms couch so I know about not having privacy.  

  5. Talk to your dad about adult things - the economy, elections and the situation in Zimbabwe. And why can't you get changed in the bathroom?

  6. I agree that you should try to talk to him. He like most daddys always see their girls as always being their lil babys and lil princesses and it sounds like you may be the baby of the family and he may be having a hard time letting go. Sometimes they wish they could stop time and you would stay their 'lil princess' forever. Try to get him to listen to you. If talking to him doesnt work, I  have found that writing everything down in a letter works because it doesnt go in one ear and out the other Point out the fact that you are a pre-teen and you really need privacy. I have an 11 year old neice and it seems that she is already maturing a little bit. Its been so long since I was that young but I dont think my daddy was that bad. Talk talk talk try to make him understand.

  7. annoy your parents for a lock untill they buy u one, thats what i did when i was your age and my mom gave in really fast. also, talk to ur dad about giving you more privacy...NICELY

  8. I never had any privacy..  i am sure i didnt like it

    but, at your age, i dont know how much you should be hiding from your parents... but i was also an only child

  9. You need to ask your father if you can have a mature conversation with him. It may be a little embarrasing (more so for your father im sure) but you need to remind him that at 11 you are entering a certain phase of puberty and are not all that far off from the stages of developing that we have to go through. If you approach him with a show of maturity he should treat you with a level of maturity in return. Tell him that you feel uncomfortable with the thought that any male can walk in on you whilst you are getting dressed and that its not right. Good luck x

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