
My dad wants me away from my boyfriend. I need help?

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Ok so I met Matt 4 months ago and we have been sneak dating. I know it is wrong but I love him and I have to see him. He makes me smile and laugh. He is not bad and he would want to hurt me. My dad saw us kissing. He told me that I should keep away from Matt and he is bad. Why would my dad keep two people who love each other away. Give me advice please




  1. I am going to assume that you are possibly still in high school, if not younger and my answer to you is completely from experience.  I have now been out of high school for 9 years and to look back at some of my relationships that my parents would "warn" me about, they were absolutely right!  My parents did not tell me I could not see someone, with one exception and they had a logical reason, they just warned me that they didn't feel the guy was a good guy as I saw him.

    When you are in a relationship you are blinded by so many things that people outside of your relationship can see.  Now your dad may be a little over-protective (you're of course "Daddy's little girl") and he can tell you his feelings but shouldn't really keep you from dating someone (unless he has very good meaning, like maybe he knows this person is a danger to you) because it's only going to make you rebel and want to date this guy more regardless of feelings.  Maybe look into what your friends think about this guy too, they may have some good input that agrees with your dads.

    But back to my initial answer, I learned now that my parents knew what they were talking about and while I should have listened to them, it did give me a lot of experience in dating and you just learn from things.

  2. 14 is much too young for love , it's just hormones and in the game you are playing you are going to be the one with the big belly and terrible reputation

  3. My mom is the same way.

    Im 14 and my boyfriend is 16., We've been dating for almost a year and When my mom tried to break us up i laughed in her face.

    When people tell you that you need to be a certain age to love. Forget them because Love knows no age.

    You're dad is just being protective but he needs to understand that you're growing up.

    I say , if you're happy with Matt, just keep dating him. I mean what is your dad going to do? its not like he can lock you in a cage so you cant see him?

    Your dad just has to accept that you're trying to grow up .. and he has to let you.

    Maybe talk to him? And tell him what i told you.

  4. You just dont get it.  Your dad got a better understanding of folk then you do.  He been at this game for longer then you have and can see a bad one coming.  You cant cause you just a youngin and plus your first couple of boys you with you gonna be head over for them.  Once you get used to them boys you can start seeing what they really about. Till then girl, just back off a bit until you get a better handle on this situaiton.

  5. as hard as it may be to believe, your dad loves you dearly and is being the parent that is expected of him.  he is sensing a problem down the road and he is protecting his little girl.  please, give him a hug and say 'thanks for loving me'.  if a deal can be made with him, fine.  if not, get interested in someTHING else.  the boys will be around forever.  wait til you're older.

  6. he would wanna hurt you? I know what you mean.

    4 months is no where near long enough to figure out that you love some one. You seem like a younger person, parents always know best..most of the time. :] Good luck and trust in your parents.

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