
My dad wants to give up custody of me ....?

by  |  earlier

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and give custody to my sister my dad just told me after 16 years that he's not my real father he doesn't take care of me emotionally so i want to live with my sister she said she will take me in she lives in new mexico while i live in virginia but i cant be enrolled in school down there unless she has custody and he said he'll give full rights to her but we just dont know how he sad he'd buy me a plane ticket to go live up there but we just dont know how to get my sister to get custody of me




  1. Call legal aid in your area.  They have reduced fee's and sometimes no fee's at all.  Otherwise it's about 300 dollars to have a paralegal draw up the paper work for the temporary custody while you go through mediation with the court services.  If your dad is willing to sign over his rights it would be a matter of months then your sister would get guardianship which is basically all she needs.  Hope this helps.  Just went through this with 2 of my cousins boys we took in and now I can make any and all decision pertaining to their well being.

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