
My dad will be home soon help?

by  |  earlier

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last night me and my buddy were drinking and my friend got some red pop in the bottle of vodka, and so we got rid of the bottle and i cant replace it, what should i do, and im not telling him the truth so plz dont recomend that




  1. Tell him you accidentally dropped it on the floor and smashed it, and don't drink booze unless you pay for it yourself from now on?

  2. tell him you got rid of it because you thought he was drinking too much. or that you havent seen it he must have finished it last time he got drunk. ;)

    btw, pretty dumb to drink underage, its not like u can go do anything anyway.

  3. Well, if you refuse to tell him the truth the only thing you can do is just play dumb but I warn you, he will know you are lying.  I don't know what the rules are in your house but a lot of parents would go easier on you if you went to him before he notices the bottle gone and told him the truth.  Just tell him it was your first time and you and your friend were just curious and that you didn't like the taste and promise that it won't happen again.  If he is an easy going open minded father he will be more surprised that you came to him and told the truth.  I know, I have been there myself a few times.

  4. well - i hate to pull a "what you should have done" but if you had saved the bottle you could put cheap vodka through one of those portable water filter pitchers (it filters out the impurities and makes it taste better) a couple of times...your dad would never have known the difference - but since you have no bottle there's really nothing you can do.

  5. hey, r u even legal drinking age? first of all, u shouldn't even be drinking someone else's alchohol....

    i kno ur dad might get very angry with u but it is good...and btw tell him the truth. but, here are some options: buy more vodka, tell ur dad the truth and pay for another bottle, blame it on ur buddy, or make up an excuse like "I dunno what happened to it? Maby u finished it off?", or say u went to get something off the counter or in the fridge (wherever the vodka was) and say wen u did u accendentilly knocked the bottle over and it broke and ur sorry.  good enough? there's not rly much else u can do....

    btw, a future thought: dont drink, its not good 4 for u ;)

    hope i could help... hey let me kno how it goes?

  6. well, what you could do is get someone to buy the bottle, that might sound stupid but that's where older friends come in, if ur a loser w/o older friends i suggest simply sitting outside a liquor store with a friend that's a girl (boobies help) and have her ask some mexican guy or one who wouldn't call the piggies to get the bottle. if ur still a loser w/o older friend or a girl with big ****, then ur basicaly ******; u should go through and find the bottle u threw away.

    if he asks where it went u should use reverse pshycoloy and just say, "even if we did drink the vodka, dont u think i'd leave some in there? i'm not that stupid, u rased me to have  a plan about c**p."

    blah blah blah u outta know the drill, listen if it's a kettle 1 bottle u need i have that ^__^

    i <3 vodka

    sry if i didn't help, but i guess it's ur own fault 4 not thnkin ahead!

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