
My dad won't let me date?

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ok it mad me angry but I laughed!!

he told me last year in 7th gradei could date in 8h grade. So when i graduated 7th i am offically 8th grade right! so i asked to go on a date and he said NO!! he is making me wait until the first day of 8th grade lol. how can i convince him since technically i am in 8th! i am not sneaking around because i KNOW i will get caught and not be able to date until im 40!!

a guy i like asked me to go roller blading with him and i want to go




  1. starting young. usually, when parents say in 8th or something, they push it to the first day of school, y'know. protection.

    you can have some other people come with you, rollerblading, so technically, its not a date....

  2. Dude...8th grade?  You want to start young, huh?

  3. i see he is a little over protective, try talk about it real grown up to him. tell him how its only going to be a date, nothing else.

    tell him you wil have your phone with you, so if anything happens you can get in touch with him.

    If all else fails, tell him straight ''if you dont let me have a little lead way, i'mgoing to end up going behind your back, and our trust between eachtother will get thinner and thinner till it eventually snapps'' that should work,but dont say it like a sulky kid, add a smile at the end :)

    Good luck hun!

  4. LOL! My dad doesn't even let guys look at me! Consider yourself lucky! Just either live with his rules or maybe you could compromise with him. Ask him about group date or a chaperoned date.

  5. I KNOW im going to get thumbs down but....

    Why do you have to tell him?lol

    im going to 9th and i would NEVER tell my parents cuz they'll say no.

  6. tell ur dad he is ur guy friend and  bring ur bff so its seems like ur not on a "date" then go on a real date when ur in 8thbelieve me im goin into 8th grade 2!

  7. Well you can't really make your dad do anything. But I would ask his reasoning behind why a month makes a difference - since school would start usually in August/Early September. Tell him that you believe that your responsibility of asking his permission and not going behind his back and doing things should let him know that you are trustworthy enough to be able to go rollerblading.

  8. You think your dad is mean? Be glad that I am not him... ;)

    My daughter is only 11 and the students in her 6th grade class think i am the meanest mom ever. I see it as I am doing my job.

    We are not to the dating scene - because it is prohibited!!

    We do not allow friends over for longer than 1 hour on school nights and not at all if there is an activity( dance cheerleading ect....

    NO BOYS - NO BOYFRIENDS - No phone calls from boys - no exceptions!

    One weekend sleepover with a friend per weekend.

    No phone calls after 9.

    No chat, myspace at all EVER!!

    No email accounts other than those that mom and dad have access to as well.

    I really don't care what others think... I know that my daughter will respect my rules and in turn have me as the little bug in her ear as she is exposed to more things.

    She is the youngest in her grade and while others talk of BFs and such..

    She proclaims that she is "too young" and I stand proud!

    So teenager's moms! Go for it! Be strict - they will thank you later as they learn to have self respect instead of changing themselves to meet a societal pressure!!

    as for your dad... as I said be glad i am not him and be happy that he loves you enough to care what happens to you and what you are doing...

    Teenager dating? check out this link...

  9. Go on a group date.

    Have him invite some friends and you invite friends.

    Tell your dad that you just want to go rollarblading with some  friends.

    Your crush/bf will be there and you two will get plenty of skating alone time too! :]

    I can see where your dad is going with this...I wasnt alowed to go on a date with a boy alone until I was in high school! I am glad he didnt too! It was much funner to have my friends along with us with their bf/crushes.

    Hope I helped :]

  10. Try going with a whole bunch of your friends as a group date......that is more reasonable.

  11. Excuse me , but what is the big deal of dating when you are too young to really understand it?There's a difference from dating and hanging out! I learned that the hard way  with my kids, when they were younger,if you were to sneak around behind your parents backs[ that would just mean you didn't care about them or yourself] and  you would be right for your parents to ground you maybe not 40,but close, just be honest with your dad, tell you and your friend wants  you to go roller blading with him, with no strings attached, I beleieve if you are up front & honest with him, you may see the different ending to your question. Just be honest!

  12. Tell your dad you are going as freinds or invite other people so you are in a group.

  13. U are way to young!! enjoy being young once you date life gets complicated then come s*x.. and maybe a baby... cheating... lieing... rumors... peer pressure and yeah just wait a little bit if i was your dad i wouldnt let you date until you were 16 or 15.5 but thats just me,,, he just loves you and wants to keep you safe

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