
My dad won't let me say "euyl". Why?

by  |  earlier

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I love doing euyl, but my dad hates it. He tells me it's annoying and I have to stop, but I love euyl. EUYL! Every time I say "euyl", my dad yells at me. How do I get him to love euyl as well?




  1. wtf?

  2. Are you on crack or something?

  3. ok ur honestly retarded wat the h**l is euyl that reely annoyed me reeding that ugh i feel bad for ur dad he has to go thru that so much reeding that i got annoyed...go get sum help

  4. maybe dont do it as much!!!

  5. Maybe because your scaring him because he doesnt know what the heck that means!!!  

  6. ARE YOU OK?

  7. Maybe he would rather you make sense. I don't see why anyone would enjoy saying that. Personally, it would bug me also.

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