
My daddy HATES me!:(?

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my daddy wont buy me these really cute boots for only $800 i mean,like that is like wayyy too daddy said the highest he buy me shoes for is $700 but he wont even buy me shoes for 800.800 dollars?even a poor person can afford it! i feel so poor




  1. Liar

  2. This is a joke, right?  

  3. are you serious? THEY ARE BOOTS.

  4. Why do you need such expensive shoes? Look, styles change with the rain, and just becuase they might be the style du jour, does not mean you have to keep up. That is how even the rich go broke. Find a pair you can live with, similar to the expensive ones you like, that are more down to earth in price. Sorry, but NO shoes are worth that kind of money. You can buy a lot of nice things with that amount of money, think about it. One pair of shoes you might wear to be seen in, talked about, then what? They will sit on a shelf and go unused. Waste of money and nice shoes. Daddy is right, he needs to help you get your priorities straight little girl. With your attitude she should just say No altogether until your head is on straight. Girl, we are in a recession. Nobody is immune. You don't need shoes that expensive, sorry. Even shoes that are 100-150, 200 at the most are paying a lot. 800 for one pair of shoes? Don't think so.  

  5. um your dumb poor people cant afford to buy $800 shoes

    and how old are you 15 ?

    you sound like a spoiled brat

    i wish my dad had that kind of money

  6. I have one word for you JOB.

    I hear McDonald's is hiring.  

  7. You know what. That is very ungrateful. You don't know what a "poor person" can afford. This is a very rude question. My dad is far from poor but I know he is not going to buy me a pair of $800.00 boots that will only be in style for 1 season. You need to stop being so spoiled and try getting a job and then he might buy them if he see you are taking responsibility or go half. I am not trying to be mean but this was very offensive. Not to me but some people may not see it that way!! Good Luck :)

  8. What a rubbish thinking you have? You are tring to judge love and hate from $800 shoes. In this world where a number of people dying in the lack of single doller and you are saying it a small amount. You shall understand the impotance of money when you shall earn. The feelings of your father when you shall be in his position. Think sympathatically how that fellow is fullfilling all the necessary demands of all the members of the family. You should be thankful to GOD that you have even $700 to spend on such small things whereas a lot people have to be forced to remain bare footed.

  9. I remember you! you used to post questions pretty much just like this one!

  10. tell your dad its only 100 extra dollars and he can just count the extra $100 as a christmas present. say you want to impress the kids when school starts
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