
My daddy hates me again!?

by  |  earlier

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i found this really cute outfit which includes uggs,a 24 karat gold diamond necklace

and ,a parka,a super cute t shirt,and jeans and my daddy still wont buy it:(and its ONLY $1424!that is like too cheap!i think my daddys going broke or its just that he hates me.THAT PRICE IS FOR POOR PEOPLE,YET MY DADDY STILL WONT BUY I FEEL HOMELESS!oh,and these are the prices









  1. Ew, brat. Gtho and ask your "daddy".

  2. um....HELLO have you read ur question...get over yourself and grow up. how about you find cheaper clothes or try and earn ur money rather then sitting on ur rich butt doing nothing waiting for ur "daddy" to by u everything. i wouldn't pay $254 for jeans EVER. start to think about other ppl then urself. maybe ur daddy had some common sense knocked into him and is doing what is best for you.

  3. Do the hula and f**t

  4. OMG my dad did that too!!!!!! ummm wow every body here is SO stuck up.......well idk tell him if he doesnt get it for you ur going to run away!! ya thats like what i did and my daddy totally bought it!!! hheehe

  5. im sick of your questions


    So where's the part where you wake up and realize that no ones buying your BS?

    If you had that money, please, go buy yourself some common sense. People like you make me GAG.

    How do i know you dont have that money? because people with money have class, which you DONT have any of.

    GTFO off this website, and get some mental help. Were here to answer questions, not become miracle workers for mental patients.

  6. well richgirl; i think your pretty selfish if you think that $1424 is CHEAP, even if you are "rich".  your dad probably wont pay for its because your a stuckup snob.

  7. What planet do you live on?! Seriously. You may be rich, but NO ONE likes to be around stuck-up, arrogant, spoiled, people. And that's really rude to call someone who isn't as fortunate as you are poor. Do you hear yourself? You should really watch what you say, and think of others.

  8. I'm confused about your question. Maybe your daddy wants to spend the money on etiquette classes for you.

  9. you are a spoiled little brat

  10. That price is not to cheap.Your dad is just saying 254 dollars is allot of money for jeans.Maybe you can subsitute some of those things for something thats not so expensive or you could save up your allowace so you could buy it yourself.He doesnt hate you he probably thinks your shopping at the most expensive store.He doesnt hate just try not to spend 1424 dollars on one outfit that you might only wear a couple of times.

  11. Obvious troll is obvious

  12. I think you just offened almost 80% of people who answered this question. How are those prices poor people prices. I can afford that. Thats more than I would spend in 3 years on school shopping and my birthday together. Youre selfish. If your dad doesnt want to but that he dont have to. "Rich girl" please. Where Im from the mall aint worth that much.

  13. stuck up loser.

    dads abuse their daughters and all u want is money from your dad. u should be thankful he even loves you.

  14. Stop being selfish.

  15. its not ur money so its easy 4 u 2 say!

  16. I doubt I can afford that so I guess that makes me poor.

    Either you are used to getting what you want all the time, or you are just using your dad for the stuff you want.

    if you still have your house, why would you feel homeless?

    donate that money to an animal shelter....

  17. well spoiled brat/ rich girl in the world we live in "real" people have "real" responsibilities that dont include feeling like your homeless because you cant get a new ensemble....before you start cursing your bad luck and saying things out of your mouth that sound so stupid....think of the homeless shelters where people that really ARE homeless sleep, when real homeless people would take a salvation army hand me down coat to keep themselves warm....i'm sure you look up to the lindsays and paris' but honey open your eyes, grow up and if/when you do get a real job you may just see what i mean when i say life isn't all ****'s and giggles.

  18. OMG stop being such a spoilt bratt. Grow up!!! There are people starving in the world have you ever thought about that?! My guesses are no! You ought to save up for it by getting a job but you can find the same clothes at other stores for cheaper. I have a really nice jacket that I first saw in a skate shop for $120 dollars but I found the exact same jacket in Target for $40. And I ended up getting it for my birthday. The necklace you won't be able to find a cheaper version of but you can find cheaper versions of the clothes and be able to make exactly the same outfit and save hundreds of dollars in the process. You may not be able to find uggs exactly the same but you will probably be able to find some VERY similar. Get a job and save up yourself then go shopping for it with a friend.  

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