
My dads being totally dumb about a cartilage peircing! help!

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i want my cartilage peirced for my birthday in 17 days.

im a freshmen im a goood..ish kid haha.

but its a cartilage peircing..not a big deal..

im not aking for snakebites, belly button, or tounge.

just anothher part of the ear! big whoop!

hes acting like its a s*x symbol..what it draws attention to your EAR.

woohoo! someone looking at my ear..we might just have s*x!

no. how do i convince him that its not a big deal?




  1. hes def overreacting

  2. Do some research and print it out. Sit down and talk to him about why you want to get the piercing and all of the details. Tell him where you want to get it done, how much it would cost. Show him the data of how many people don't get infected by it. Come at it in a mature way.  

  3. just keep asking him to get it done without bugging him. then he might see its something you really want. just don't get all whiny about it and try to explain to him that its something you want to do because you like the way it looks.

  4. well, what i did when i was your age was, i told my dad that i could get my belly button pierced and have boys look at my stomach and places in that general area, or i could get my tragus pierced and have them look at my head to make it easier for them to actually listen to me, and of course it worked when i put it that way so good luck hun!

  5. just keep on asking him nicely

    and tell him ur at least not asking for a nose piercing. i got my nose done the day after 8th grade ended. =]

  6. You should tell him THIS! Because its NOT a symbol of that at all!! Its your body, and you should allowed to do things to it!!

  7. I went through this with my mom and dad.

    They said if I got that I'd want other things.

    Just keep talking to him about it

    and don't say "YOU'RE WRONG!"

    Say, "I understand why you don't want me to get it, however..."

    It'll go over much better.

    And don't nag.

    It won't help.

    Trust me, I know.

  8. why do you want it pierced in the first place???

    exactly, it's of no importance; so get over it

  9. Um Um Gosh Just wait  a couple of years jeez...

  10. If he doesn't want you to have your cartilage pierced then what is the big deal about waiting a couple years?

  11. eh. it's okay.

    just wait a little while.  

  12. ohmygosh.

    im a freshman asked my parents for a cartilidge peircing and they were like your tooo young. WTF parentss...

  13. I got my cartilage pierced when i was like 12. my mom didn't care too much about ear piercings. do you want just a hoop? i don't see it as a big deal. Have you tried talking to him rationally?? not yelling or getting upset. maybe show him a picture of one, he might not know exactly what you want.

    just so you know though, they don't heal properly if done with a gun and they take a very long time to heal when done right with a needle.

    i have an industrial piercing and i got it in january and it is still not fully healed!  

  14. lol at the s*x symbol.

    i asked my dad a few days ago if i could get my cartilage pierced and he said no at first but then i explained that i could have wanted a belly button or tongue piercing and that this is just another ear piercing and he said ok.

    but thats just my dad. your dad sounds more strict than mine. because he also said yes to a nose piercing.

    yeah its really not a big deal and explain to him thats its just another ear piercing (if you already have your ears pierced) and that there are alot more worse things you could do or want

  15. Tell him that it's not a trend. My parents let me get one (well, two actually) because it wasn't a trendy thing, it was just a "I want to wear more earrings" thing. They knew I wouldn't use my piercing to attract boys. Of course, my parents also know that earrings won't make a guy want to do you.

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