
My dads convinced i'm.... what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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my dads a litle crazy and is convinced i'm pregnant and is expecting me to go live with the dad. but i'm not pregnant my friend is and i kindof want to stay here for another couple months. So we have been talking and are thinkg about really having a baby. should i have a baby. what should i do. plz help in giving me some advice




  1. i think you really have to slow down. if you dad is crazy and thinks you are pregnant... then what does it have to do with you? you arent.

    why does he think you are pregnant in the first place??? this is a really weird situation. I think you should live your life, go to school, and get a good job after going to college, uni etc... how old are you?

    a baby is a huge step = you arent even married???!!!!!! why do that for?

    why is it so important you have a baby for your dad????

    you realy should sit down and think a bit girl!

  2. Wait 9 months.. he'll see you aren't pregnant then.. don't have a baby just because your dad thinks your pregnant!!

  3. my father is extrememyl overprotective and i kno what u are going thru, at least with the pregnancy part. plz do not rush inot having a baby if u are not sure that u can handle the extremities it brings. a baby is a lot of work and deserves to be taken care of properly. however, if u believe u truly love ur partner, and will be a dedicated and awesome mother, which i am sure u will, then go ahead and have the baby. as a piece of advice, i recommend ur father kno and will support ur decision.. it will make u a happier person.  

  4. You need to talk with an adult that you really trust before making a decision like this.  You didn't say how old you are, but it's probably a very bad idea to have a baby right now.

  5. Maybe he knows you want to have a baby having a baby is not easy though I am 16 and 34 1/2 weeks pregnant its hard. If your dad doesn't believe your pregnant then have him take you to the doctors and prove it to him.

  6. how much of a little s**t can you be?? you aren't pregnant but want to now cause your dad thinks you are??  WOW!!!!

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