
My dads male cat is peeing everywhere please help me ?

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i have just recently moved into my dads house and they have a 1 year old male cat i have moved in with a 3 month old female kitten that is now fixed dads cats has always randomly peed all over the house but ever since i have moved in he has been doing it alot more is it because of my kitten ?????? how can u stop a male cat from peeing every where besides his kitty litter (hes not fixed and the vet sed that it wont make a difference) please help




  1. go to pet smart and get a white bottle called "no mark!". i had the same problem and this stuff works. It's a detourant to make him not want to pee on anything. Just spray it on what he has already peed on, and everything close to the floor, for instance the legs of chairs.

    & the reason he is peeing in the first place is to make his territory. & the reason he is peeing alot more now is because since there is a new cat in the house he feels that he has to be more protective of "his things".

    so just but the no mark, it works.

  2. If the cat was neutered it would make a difference. They do not spray! I have been a cat owner for over 30 years. Find a different vet.

  3. Mix ammonia with water (dilute) and pour into several jars and place them all over the house.  The ammonia scent is very strong so the cat will think a more dominant cat owns the territory and will no longer pee there.

  4. He is being territorial and telling your kitty he is the Lion King!  Have him checked for urinary tract infection, but it really sounds like he is not happy with his new kitten friend.  Keep the litter clean and accessible. It is a difficult situation.

  5. theres a product at most pet stores that has a image of a cat and a dog plugging their noses, buy that, its a off for pets.

  6. maybe he wants to claim his territory, since there is another cat in the house now, and it usually does make a diffrence if they are fixed

  7. spraying as it is called is something an adult male cat/dog will do to mark his territory but when a female enters the home he sprays more frequently to warn other cats that this female is his(he don't know she is spayed)the reason fixing now won't work as far as him spraying is because he already learned the purpose of spraying that is why a male dog/cat is neutered at the age of 3 months before they come into adolescent,and they will never pick up the habit of marking territory.

  8. he lies u need 2 git him fixed take him 2 another vet

  9. yeah, get him fixed.  and find a new vet

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