
My date of birth is 22 sep 1979...around 2 pm in afternoo..i just want to know abut my job& my marrige?

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My date of birth is 22 sep 1979...around 2 pm in afternoo..i just want to know abut my job& my marrige?




  1. Job offer – Earn up to Rs. 15,000 – 25,000 pm. Anyone can apply.

    We are offering a rare Job opportunity in the clerical industry. Work part time or full time. No previous experience is required, full training provided.

    For more details, please email us at:

    (Id. No.- e.job538)

  2. You will be married to a Man! Job? whatever he tells you.

  3. Niti, as your Date of Birth is Saturday, September 22, 1979, you were born in the cusp between the Zodiac signs Virgo and Libra. You were born in the Chinese Year of the Sheep, and your Chinese age is 28.

    You have lived for 9,796 days.

    You will have lived for 10,000 days on 2/7/2007.

    Your next birthday is on a Friday.

    You will be 27 years old on that day.

    This day, on which you have asked your Question is :

    Day 22 of your 23-day physical biorhythm cycle.

    Current assessment = uncertain

    Current cycle start date = Jun 27

    Current cycle end date = Jul 19

    Day 25 of your 28-day emotional biorhythm cycle.

    Current assessment = uncertain

    Current cycle start date = Jun 24

    Current cycle end date = Jul 21

    Day 29 of your 33-day intellectual biorhythm cycle.

    Current assessment = uncertain

    Current cycle start date = Jun 20

    Current cycle end date = Jul 22

    Day 31 of your 38-day intuitional biorhythm cycle.

    Current assessment = bad

    Current cycle start date = Jun 18

    Current cycle end date = Jul 25

    As your physical, emotional, plus intellectual biorhythm cycles are all in an ‘uncertain’ state at this juncture, while your intuitional biorhythm cycle is ‘bad’, you will be unable to make any practical, or worthwhile decisions concerning either your job, or your marriage, just now.

    You should concentrate instead, on (a) improving and expanding your working skills, (b) correcting the common errors in both your oral and written communications, and (c) practicing to appear a lot more calm and confident - both at work and while socialising.

    Stick to these three efforts sincerely, and you will soon find that you are being singled out for praise, at work. And have several suitable boys submitting their formal proposals for your hand, as well.

    Best of Luck.

  4. niti d, many human beings are curious to know what is in store for them in future. Astrology is practised and predictions are made without any responsibility and recourse. Almost every time the predictions go wrong and in argument millions of if and buts surface to save the skin. People get fooled; only someone should be there to make them so!

    This is the reality. I am sure that you are an educated and balanced person. Believe in your one God and put in best of your efforts at a given point of time, as a human being that is what you can do and should do.

    Not to offend anyone, don't waste your resources, tangible or intangible, in seeking predictions. We are hardly left with anyone who could sincerely and honestly practices this science and art. Don't be-fool yourself or get worried in testing times, face the situations smartly and emerge a better person always and every time.

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