
My daugher is naturally very inquizitive and active and very intelligent.?

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she never stops all day and is into everything. however she is a very kind girl who has no problem with sharing and is always plesent to other children. she never hits kids or takes things off them however i get sick of people commenting on how 'naughty' she is just because she is so active. one mum who commented has a son the same age (2yrs) who hits other kids. i feel relly paranoid about taking her to todler groups coz i know people talk about her. also cos im a teen mum people assume i cant look afte her properly, which isnt the case, hes just very active an inquizitive and talkative which i think is a sign of her intellegenmce. i know i shouldnt care wot others think but i do and its really getting me down and i feel paranoid other mums are talking about m,e and my daughter. what can i do?




  1. Not to worry, no matter what you do, even if you are Mary Poppins (which very few of us are), somebody will criticize you for your parenting methods and your child's behaviour.  When my 15 month old has tantrums in public, I can feel everyone staring at us, but I really don't care because that's what toddlers do.  And more than likely the ones staring have been through the same thing!  

    Being active is not a bad thing at all.  It means more work for you.  As long as you can channel it, it's a great thing!  My daughter is very busy also, and it's tiring but I would much prefer an active, inquisitive child to one that sits like a lump.

    My advice is to be happy and satisfied that you are doing a great job with your daughter.  The people who criticize you are probably just jealous!  Or insecure about their own parenting and their child's behaviour.  And in all honesty, being a teen mom is going to make you even more susceptible to criticism, as you probably have already discovered.  People are quick to judge and make assumptions even if they don't know the facts.

    It is quite rude to comment that your daughter is "naughty" within your ear shot.  Perhaps you should just laugh and say "she's not naughty at all, she's a toddler!!".

    Good luck, and have fun with your busy baby!

  2. Hey there,yes that's true usually hiper activity is likly to be very inquizitive and intelligent.but maybe her personality is AHAD that usually kids have it when they are hyper active and proud dont care.but go to and searcch for AHAD and READ about it.take care good luck dont CARE

  3. Hmm, yeah, she must get all of that from her father.

  4. Oh, people will always be judgmental. It gives them something to do, I guess. You're a young mom, you'll learn to handle it better. I was a young mom, too. I dealt /deal with it all. I just ignore people and go about my business. Don't let people stop you from giving your daughter a good life and getting her out there in play groups and such. If anything- make it a point to prove those butt heads wrong.

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