
My daughter 17 was asleep when the 2 year old that was in her care left the house was picked up by police.

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Can she be charged with child endangerment? What should I expect?




  1. Try some indemnity and apologize. As for your daughter, she must try other jobs.

  2. It would be quite amazing if this was the 1st time the child has escaped the house on his own.  Hoepfully his parents realize that their darling 2-year old is a master escape artist and let it go.  But, I also have to wonder how exactly did he get out?  Was it as simple as turning the k**b and leaving?  The parents need to install better locks it sounds like.

  3. well i don't know the legalities of the situation but to be honest as the parent of a 2 yr old I would do my best to have her charged with something. I'm sorry your in the situation. I guess the best thing for you to do would be to stand by her if it goes to court.

  4. She's a minor and wasn't under supervision. I would say it would be more likely the parents could be charged, although she was left with the responsibility of caring for the child.

  5. Damage Control - Maybe you and your daughter can go over there as a showing of good faith, to check on the 2-year-old and talk to the parents. Bring a teddy bear for the child. Talk to them and see if they are planning to press charges. Maybe if your daughter expresses remorse and you both apologize, they will let it go. Of course, I wouldn't count on them hiring your daughter to babysit ever again, but that's getting off pretty easy.

    If that doesn't work and the parents are rude or aggressive, or refuse to meet with you, then maybe you should look into hiring a lawyer. Good luck.

  6. She could be charged with neglect or child endangerment....she also will probably not be allowed to babysit ever again....I can understand her falling asleep, but only after she was sure the 2 yr old was secure in bed, with all the doors and windows closed, etc. There really isn't any excuse for a toddler wandering the streets long enough for the police to find her....something isn't right and if I were the parents of the toddler I sure would be looking for some answers...and needless to say, your daughter would be off the list!

  7. A two year old can most certainly open a door by themselves, even if there is a lock on it.  I have a 2 yr old son who opened our door ( we live on the second floor) and continued to make his way down the steps all while I was in the bathroom.  We even changed our lock to a higher height, and he finds things to use as a step stool and unlocks the door.  Eventually we ended up putting two locks on the door and one is at the tippy top... we were racking our brains making sure the room was cleared for step stools, etc before we left the room for a quick second, to make dinnner, or any time at all.  It happens all the time.  I felt horrible when it happened but when I talked about it with people it actually happens al ot more than people would think.  You're daughter will probably not get into trouble, after all, it is the parents who left their child with her, it was their choice.. unless it was during the day and she was neglecting the child.

  8. i dont think she will be charged, but she shouldnt have gone to sleep

  9. I don't know if she can be charged but she might get into some sort of trouble. Why wasn't the door locked??

  10. Possibly.  Why was she asleep?  And if it was during the night time when she should have been asleep, why wasn't the door locked?  I would consult a lawyer if I were you.

  11. 2 year olds certainly can open doors (for the person who questioned that). If she's 17, she can be charged with child endangerment if it was a situation in which she was neglectful. (For example: daytime napping while babysitting). It certainly depends on the details of this situation.  

  12. How did the kid get out of the house????  I don't think a 2 year old can reach a door k**b!!  Did the kid go out a window???  

    I'd speak with a lawyer immediately.

  13. If it was a mistake, then the police did not charge her and you are aware of that; if otherwise, then the child was left endangered,etc.

    There is felony child neglect, which is left to charge for a number of years.  The felony is usually reserved for the worse situations such as serious harm to the child or death.

    And then there is contributing to delinquency or child endangerment that would be lesser charge and seems to be the applicable charge in this circumstance.  This can be charged for up to a year to two after the offense.


    What can you expect?  The judge will probably order parenting classes and other non-jail punishments, for they want you to have better control over these potentially harmful situations your child faces.  You being locked in a cell does nothing for the child.  So, don't worry about jail, but do worry about completing the necessary courses to keep your child/children safe!

    But it seems that neither of you were punished and the fear of God was instilled.  This is the best case scenario, and hopefully, will do your young child justice.

  14. why was the kid picked up by the police?  did it have anything to do with your daughter?   if you have any fears, you might want to contact your local legal aid office.

    *edit:  ah, didn't get the "left the house" part.  but since teen mothers can be charged with child endangerment, i would say teens can in general though i can't find proof.  But unless the baby was seriously hurt, it might not go to court.

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