
My daughter 2 1/2 year old has profound speech delay she has no hearing problem.other activities r

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she used to speak single words a year back then we relocated which upset her at the moment she became mute for about 6 months after that we returned to the previous location and gradually she started to speak again but now she mostly babbles and speaks 3 or 4 words.there is a family history of delayed speech in her fathers family.she is a very willful child and makes everyone understand exactly what she wants even strangers by gestures alone




  1.    Get  investigated and   practicise

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  2. I can totally understand your frustration. My son only said 10 words at 27 months old. He had frequent temper tantrums because I could not read his mind and KNOW what he wanted. I had him evaluated by early intervention (sometimes called birth to 3) and they recommended speech therapy. He has been going to speech therapy for 6 months now and says all kinds of things. He will basically try to say anything, but his pronunciation is horrible. One thing that immediatly helped was having him learn some sign language. we used a great series called "signing time". he still uses sign language to make himself better understood.

    since she is 2.5 years old I would call the local school system and ask to have her evaluated for special ed preschool. If she only says 3-4 words I know she will qualify. they will play games with her and things like that to help her learn to talk.

  3. Get ahold of your local health department. There is a program for early intervention. A nurse will come by once a week and work with her to see about getting her to talk more. It's something that's already paid for. By yours and my tax dollars.

    A couple other things you can do is to have her with you whenever your doing something around the house. Explain exactly what your doing. "I'm folding the red shirt." And read as many books to her as she'll let you. This last one sounds cruel but it actually helps. Don't give her what she wants until she says the word. Like if she wants milk she doesn't get milk until she says milk or drink. With this you just have to make sure that she knows the word. Believe me this does help! My son is almost 3 and he's just now starting to really communicate. This is one of the main things I have done with him.

    Good Luck!

  4. She sounds like she is in need of Speech therapy.    If you are an American then you can have her evaluated for free.    The speech therapy should be free also.    If you don't know who to contact in your area then call your local public school district special education department.    They should have the phone number of who should called to have her evaluated (or assessed as some people call it).    After age 3,  the local public school are the ones that will have any special educational services and that would include speech therapy.    My own kids were speech delayed at age 2 and I had them assessed by the local public schools.      They also received Speech Therapy through the school district at that age but school districts aren't legally required until age 3.   If your school district doesn't work with 2 year olds then they would know who does.

    BTW,   she might qualify for other services besides Speech.        The  assessment should be pretty thorough and the evaluation team will fill you in on that.

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