
My daughter's bio father passed away.. How can my boyfriend take guardianship?

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My daughter's bio-father passed away when I was 8 months pregnant with her. We were not together at the time. I have been involved with my current boyfriend since I was 2 months pregnant (i didn't know i was with child at the time). My boyfriend has been there everyday since my daughter was born. How do we legally make him her father? Would he have to go through the adoption process or is it as simple as signing a birth certificate afadavit? Would I need to provide a death certificate? Even though paternity was never legally established?




  1. you may have to be married but you will have to go through the whole adoption process.

  2. marry him

  3. I believe that yes, you would have to have him adopt your child. Possibly you have to provide a death certificate for your child's biological father. I know that everyone else is going to say this, but, you really need to contact a lawyer who specializes in family law. They are the only people who will be able to guide you through the process correctly.

  4. It's called a 'formal' adoption.  Go to a lawyer that specializes in adoption and they'll tell you everything you need to know to get the process started.

  5. I think you would have to go through adoption.

  6. Why don't you legally make him your HUSBAND, stay married for a year before you tie her to him for life.

    If it doesn't work out, you can get a DIVORCE--she can't, she's stuck.

  7. He would need to legally adopt her

  8. Laws differ from state to state. Go to your local courthouse to look up the laws in your area.

    Your boyfriend may have to adopt your daughter.  

  9. Your bf would have to go thru the adoption process although the adoption agencies have to feel ur child is secure in the family home so would have to do a background check on him, for any convictions etc.  

  10. call Legal aid where you live

  11. Personally I think it's a bad idea if you're not married.  He was not her biological father and I don't see it as appropriate for him to be listed as father if he's not committed enough to YOU to marry you!


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