
My daughter's eating habits?

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My daughter is overweight. she is 2 years 8 1/2 months. I cant remember her exact height but I do know its is average for her age. the last she was weighed she was 37 1/2 pounds. She likes to snack all day, but its not usually junk. she'll eat yogurt, cheese, pickles, pineapple, fruit cocktails in their own juices, goldfish crackers made with whole grain, Ritz crackers made with whole grain, banana's, tomatoes, once in a blue moon she will have a COUPLE tostitos with her dad. She has mostly healthy meals, nutri grain bars, poptarts, cheerios, rice crispies, etc. for breakfast. You get the idea. She drinks milk and water, once in a while at her grandma's house she will have a little kool aid. What can I do??




  1. Is she really hungry when you're giving her snacks or is she just eating b/c they are presented to her?  First you need to rule out any medical causes for her weight gain.  If its not medical then you are just going to have to stop her from snacking all day.  Its okay to have treats, but to me poptarts and rice crispies for breakfast isn't all that healthy for a 2 year old.  

    Also, you weren't really specific about how much food she's eating and how often.  Yes, she's eating "healthy" food but she's eating way too much of it that isn't going to be good for her either

  2. Is she active? does she get to go outside and run around every day?That might be part of the problem. Then again every child is different and she may shed all that baby weight. Did your doc tell you to do anything? If that's what she's eating every day it doesn't look like she's getting a lot of protein.

  3. She might have a thyroid problem. And just make sure you watch portion control, even if they snacks are healthy. You should take her to a doctor.

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