
My daughter's father is demanding our insurance info...?

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My husband has BCBS through his job and has coverage for himself, me and my children (his legal step-children since we Are married.) My daughter's father says that while she is w/him on the weekends and because he is her biological father that my husband is OBLIGATED to give him his insurance information (provider, contract & group number, etc) so that he can use it for my daughter is with him. He says he can b/c technically she is covered by insurance and it doesnt matter whose insurance it is. He is DEMANDING for us to give him a faxed copy of this info or a copy of our ins card. Does anyone know if this is true? Not the part of us HAVING to give it to him, I know I don't legally HAVE to give him ANYthing (or at least I wouldnt think I'd have to). But my question is, if he gets ahold of this info on his own, can he use it without any repercussions!?!?!?!?! Would that not be considered fraud? Is that legal? Any help will be appreciated.




  1. i would not give it to him due to there are to many casses out there of ppl doing that and s******g the other person over what i would do is tell him to back off she is covered or talk to a lawyer and tell him and he might make a phone call to his lawyer telling him to calm down he dont need it but i wouldnt give it to him.

  2. He may just be worried that if she were to get sick while she was with him that he'd have to pay out of pocket without the information.

    If anything he should be happy that your husband's plan covers her.  There's no harm in giving him the information.  Or you could just tell him that if he ends up needing to take her to the doctor to call you and you'll fax the info to the provider.

  3. The only reason he would need it is if she is with him and she gets hurt and needs to go to a hospital or doctor. If you live in the same town then he really does not need it.

    I would contact an your attorney and see what they say. Don't take our advice on it since it is a legal matter.

  4. I'm confused.  What could he do with your daughter's insurance information?  I would want him to have a copy of her insurance card, at least!  What if she breaks her arm or something while she is with him?!

  5. Frankly, it makes sense for him to have a copy of the insurance information, for when your daughter stays with him.

    Even if you don't have a legal obligation to give it to him (which depends on laws in your state...there are some areas and some circumstances, actually, where you would have a legal obligation to provide it to him), I'd think you certainly have a moral obligation to do so.

    He can't do much of anything with it, other than provide care for your daughter if necessary.  You should already be watching your Explanation of Benefits that come back from the insurance company to confirm that all of the services being billed under your policy are legitimate.  (And most health insurers these days require photo ID along with the insurance card, except in emergency situations.  Its not like he could pass himself off as your current husband and go to the doctor under his name...again, by some bizarre chance even if he tried it, you should already be watching the explanations of benefits and would readily be able to see that it happened.  Then he'd get busted for insurance fraud.  Your family and your insurer wouldn't be held liable for the fraudulent charges...the health care provider he received services from would have to go after him for payment or eat the cost themselves.)

    Frankly, it sounds like you're more concerned about being spiteful with your ex than worrying about what would happen with your daughter in an emergency.  Set aside the bitterness and do what's right for your daughter.

  6. unless it is court ordered your husband doesn't have to give out any information to you child's father why doesn't he have any insurance on child himself if he is so worried. would contact a family court office and let them know what threats he is making that will end that

  7. NO... be very leaglly clear here... Your ex has NO rights to demand the info whatsoever... give it to him, and he'll manipulate it to extort money from you... ALWAYS seek advice from a legal counsel before doing anything on your own...

    Let's put it this way, IF you bought insurance for your daughter, would you for no bloody good reason give up the information willingly to your ex, pending him stealing identity?

    Maybe he is stealing the information to claim insurance money behind your back...


  8. Well, I don't think he can legally demand you provide him with something he's supposed to be providing for her.

    The only thing he can do fraudulently with it, is pass off other girls her age, as her, to get care.  Yes, there's a market for that, certainly here in Houston with lots of illegals.

    So if you DO give it to him, keep very, very careful checks of the EOB statements you get.

    He can't get the info on his own.  It's private.

  9. See your lawyer. Your ex has to provide coverage, it doesn't matter that your husband has your child covered. That would be secondary coverage if your Ex did his duty and provided primary insurance. Don't give him ANYTHING. Especially since most insurance policies use the insured's social security # as the I.D. To give your Ex this information is to compromise your husband's credit!

    Also, talk to your lawyer to see if your husband is entitled to reimbursement from your Ex for the  premium portion he pays to cover your child.

    I can't answer what repercussions there would be if your Ex used your insurance card, it depends on the circumstances. Let's say your child was with your Ex, and became seriously ill with a high fever. If your Ex then rushed the child to the hospital and furnished the card, wouldn't that show you had given him authorization to supply that information? How else would he have obtained it? And what fraud would have occurred? Doesn't seem like fraud in that scenario.

    As a practical matter, you can tell your ex, that, should your child need medical care while with him, he may take the child to a doctor or hospital, and call you to meet him there, and you will provide your insurance information to the medical provider, directly. Also, consider asking him to  pay any out of pocket deductibles and co insurance. Maybe it's time to haul him into court and enforce the support agreement.

    I really don't think it would be considered fraud for your ex to furnish the child's insurance information when seeking medical care for that child. It would be fraud if he tried to pass himself off as your husband -the named insured, and get medical care for himself, use your husband's social security number to obtain credit, etc. Good luck! Hope this explanation helps.

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