
My daughter's father was adopted & all I know is his bio moms married name how can i find daughters anscentry?

by  |  earlier

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I know the biological mother's married name and my daughters fathers adopted name and date and place of birth. I would like to know my daughters family history....for her sake and maybe medical reasons.




  1. First, if you know your daughter's father's adopted family then you know her genealogy.  I'm not being a smart aleck.  Back in pioneer days people took in unrelated children all the time and raised them as their own.  I have several intstances of this in my lines.  They are all just treated the same as biological children.  In wills and such they are even mentioned the same way as the biological children are.

    But if you are serious about need the biological tree for your daughter then I would start with what you have.  Look for the marriage license of the biological mother.  This may or may not give you the biological father of family you are researching.

    Once you find the marriage record and then the maiden name I would take it from there and research the same way you would any blood relative.

    I have one word of caution however.  If it was a closed adoption you could be stirring up a hornet's nest.  I would be very discreet until you find out how welcome your daughter and her bio father would be as a member of "their" family.  Biology alone does not always a family make.

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