This started a few months ago when my daughter and family moved in to their little house. Almost right away my then 2, almost 3 year old grandson fist saw a little boy sitting on daddys lap in bed.
He was terified. There were more and more sightings, all by my grandson. He slept with mom and dad for a month.
Both my daughter and her husband have felt like someone is behind them and then passes by and no one was there.
Last week my daughter got woken up by her son and standing next to him was the girl. My daughter saw it for a couple of seconds.
Eventually the grandson started to play outside with the girl. I realize this sounds like an imaginary friend. But, too much has happened to make it nearly clear about it possibably being paranormal.
I have set up a group of investigator who will spend the night on friday night.
My daughter and her hubby try hard to make a big deal over it so the ilttle one doesn't get scared or gets reinforcment from the parents.
At times my daughter lays awake, unable to sleep because she feels like someone is watching her.
What do you think?
What is the thought from this group of people who answer these questions. Are there any believers/