
My daughter's haunted little house. Chances that they are reality?

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This started a few months ago when my daughter and family moved in to their little house. Almost right away my then 2, almost 3 year old grandson fist saw a little boy sitting on daddys lap in bed.

He was terified. There were more and more sightings, all by my grandson. He slept with mom and dad for a month.

Both my daughter and her husband have felt like someone is behind them and then passes by and no one was there.

Last week my daughter got woken up by her son and standing next to him was the girl. My daughter saw it for a couple of seconds.

Eventually the grandson started to play outside with the girl. I realize this sounds like an imaginary friend. But, too much has happened to make it nearly clear about it possibably being paranormal.

I have set up a group of investigator who will spend the night on friday night.

My daughter and her hubby try hard to make a big deal over it so the ilttle one doesn't get scared or gets reinforcment from the parents.

At times my daughter lays awake, unable to sleep because she feels like someone is watching her.

What do you think?

What is the thought from this group of people who answer these questions. Are there any believers/




  1. i am open to paranormal activity, and i think you have to be in order to see ghosts, or feel presences.

    at such a young age i feel that children are completely open to it. and usually they wouldnt realize it is a ghost, but being in his own home, he knows that the girl is not family and/or not suppose to be there.

    theres a reason for this happening, and i would be happy for it. :) your grandson will grow out of it as he gets older, or perhaps when they move, if your lucky though this experience will open him up to spirits and he will hold onto it as he gets older.

  2. Before the investigator arrives, why not do a background check on the home.

    See if anyone had died there.

    If your grandson seems to have befriended the girl, at least she isn't malevolent.

    And what plans do the parents have regarding her?

    Are they going to attempt to get rid of her, or just "adopt" her as one of their own?

    You should see if the investigators will allow you to tag along to see how they conduct an investigation.

  3. I agree about looking into the history of the house. I'm a medium and honestly, stuff like this happens to me a lot. I have a little boy spirit here of about 8 years old who calls me "mom" because that's what he hears everyone else call me. I was walking down the hallway this morning back to my bedroom when I heard what sounded like one of my kids calling me. "Mom!" checked on both and both are sound asleep and snoring. So, I think it's entirely possible.

    From my experience, honestly, the feeling of being watched is a big sign. As is seeing people and/or shadows out the corners of your eye, but when you look at it straight on there's nothing there.

    What they could do, after the investigators leave, is simply ask the spirits to go into the light. It's as simple as very gently telling them that they can't stay, that they need to move on now. They hang around your grandson because he can see them and talk to them. Most spirits, especially the children, just want someone to know they're there, and kids are kids, dead or alive, they like to play too. The ones in my house like to sneak up on me and go, "boo". lol

  4. I'm one of the people who believes we're not alone, there might be a possibility that its true and it gets scary and real when more than one person sees something.

  5. It is a strange world.

    i read your story and i feel sad for you.

    i have gone through some weird experiences myself ... some thing to do with blackmagic and spells.

    when i was in trouble only i knew the helplessness of my state and no body would believe that i was telling the truth . i was rescued by a priest who knew something about the dark side of prayer and its power. no body in my family could believe the complete power of the supernatural world.

    Anyway my aim is not to scare you, any way the question is that the person whom your grandson sees is injurious or harmless

    In any circumstances the little child should not be left alone. if possible try to notice if he sees these things everywhere or just at your house.

    do as much prayer as possible and have faith in god and his justice.

    Think optimistic thoughts.

    Show less anger or impatience.

    i will pray for your welfare


  6. An active imagination is the hallmark of children, but you should take care to point out the difference between fantasy and reality.

  7.   I believe it.  I seen more spirits when I was a child than I do now.I am surprised how many people are out there that are so ignorant about what is out there. Boy the skeptics sure have a answer for everything. Poor dumb people. If everybody knew what was out there then this world would be a better place .  More experiences are being told and more people are having experiences. So word is getting out there. Not quick enough for me though. They will all find out when they get to the Other side and will they be shocked to learn they were misinformed..  

  8. I know someone who sees the ghosts of children. They live in a home where 3 children were hit and killed by a school bus. Also, a teenage girl hung herself in the home, and another was kidnapped from the home and murdered. She has the ability to see the children, and others in other locations.  

  9. kids can pick up on these kinds of things moreso than adults

    i think this is possible

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