
My daughter's "friend" at daycare stole from her. Advice, please?

by Guest10951  |  earlier

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My daughter had an apple-scented hand sanitizer in her backpack until she caught her so-called "friend" riffling through her bag. Later in the day it wasn't there anymore (please don't ask me why hand sanitizer is worth stealing, because I have no idea.). My daughter started crying because she was so upset that her good friend would steal from her. I talked to the head teacher and he said he'd talk to the girl about it.

Today, the girl had the nerve to use the sanitizer today in daycare. When my daughter asked her why she stole her hand sanitizer, the girl tried to claim it was hers and was quite brash about flashing it around. I told the director what happened again today, and that again my child was driven to tears. What should I do? Should I ask to speak to her parents or something, or should I just let the director handle it? I'm confused.




  1. parents

  2. its not that she stole hand sanitizer, later on she will steal other things. she needs to be taught her lesson.

    the girl sounds stubborn about things she wants just like a friend of my daughters. she stole her pink hairbrush cause she liked it.

    talk to her parents in a nice way just tell them your letting them know that this is going on and its not to start a feud but tell them you were concerned and the daycare didnt really handle it well.

    the daycare isn't going to handle it because they will think the parents will be offended and take their kid out and they want money.

  3. Talk to the kid's parents about it and ask for reimbursement and an apology to your daughter.

  4. When I was young, I had a friend, and she stole whenever she slept over one of her friend's houses. It was really mean of her, so I never had her over.

    If the directors won't do anything, at the end of the day I would go to the child's parent/s. Or, you could talk to the director RIGHT when class starts, so they have to do it right then and there, because the kids will be right there.

    Good luck!

  5. By all means talk to her parents  

    If the result is not satisfactory, then your daughter will be able to understand that the girl isn't worth being friends with.

  6. did you speak to the teacher directly involved with that class room?

    either way..i see two ways to handle this..

    one..if it is a backpack get a little diary lock and key and lock the zippers together and allow her to wear the key on her neck like a little necklace..

    two..don't allow her to bring anything of value to school..this is a good time for her to learn there are 'mean' people in the world..tell her to in be polite with out socializing with this specific person..not everyone is nice..the sooner they learn the hard lessons of life the less hurt they will be when bigger disappointments occur.

  7. Well it sucks that the teacher didnt handle it better than that. And allowing her to just keep the stolen merchandise and use it in front of your daughter. If you do not have the chance to talk it out with the other childs parent I would suggest talking it out with your daughter and have a life talk with her and try to let her know that there is people like that out there and that she needs to just let it go and be the better person. That kind of depends on her age, I know some kids wont understand that until they are older. I wish you luck though. I had a couple friends when I was younger that used to steal ridiculous stuff from me and I soon came to realize that they are not friends at all. :)

  8. I'm sorry this happened to your child.

    Before jumping to the conclusion that the other child needs to be punished, or you need to speak with the parents, you must investigate this incident more thoroughly.  I have dealt with situations where the "thief" was stealing because the "victim" had been a terrible bully.

    Get to the bottom of the matter.

    Be well.

  9. let the director handle it. It is the best way to deal with. But make sure they are doing something

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