
My daughter's voice is horse, she woke up with it.

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is six months old. She woke up this morning and her voice sounded horse. It has gotten worse as the day went on. I called the doctor, but they said they couldn't do anything until tomorrow. She doesn't have any other symtoms. I an afraid she is going to lose her voice for a few days. Can anyone help?




  1. huh? i didn't know six month olds could talk yet?


  2. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that.

    Strep Throat is pretty common with babies and so is general throat infection, I highly doubt it's anything serious so try and not worry to much.

  3. You did the right thing by calling the doctor.  As long as your daughter is feeding and isn't running a fever, it should be fine to wait until tomorrow to get her throat checked.  Being hoarse isn't a sickness, it's a symptom.  She might have a sore throat (eg strep) or she might have strained her voice while crying.  I'm sure that once her throat is ok, her voice will be back to normal.  God bless you.

  4. it is normal dont worry, she will be fine:)

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