
My daughter [6yrs old] asks AMAZING questions?

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I'll give you a few i can remember.

1) Why is the sky blue?

2) Why does Australian money only buy 96 US cents?

3) Why is the ocean blue?

4) Who decided there are 24hrs in a day?

5) How do cars run of petrol? How does it work?


Often i dont know the answers! I don't know where she gets these questions?

What do i do?




  1. Interesting questions :) I work in childcare and I've started to have 3 years olds in my group asking some weird questions too.

    Children have imagination. What I would do is take her to the library and the two of you can research together some of the questions she has asked

  2. Use it as a learning experience for both of you.  Use your resources  (internet, library) and find the answer together.  Even if you know the answer pretend you don't.  Let her be the teacher.  It builds great confidence.  

  3. Be glad she takes an interest in her world. This may be the ideal time to get her interested in science websites (supervised, of course) or local museums.  

  4. My daughter did the same thing at her age. I actually found a book called "why is the sky blue?" It is a book that has the answers to all of those questions and more in a language that she can understand. Try looking for it at Books-a-Million or some other book store. Good luck.

  5. your daughter asking these questions is not only normal, but its good! its much better than her not asking questions.


    1.there is a chemical in the ozone that reflects all color light away from the surface except for blue is a direct correlation of the nation's economical status is a reflection of the sky

    4.the first person who timed the rotation of the earth with respect to the sun

    5.there is a chemical in petrol that can compust, forcing the engine into motion

  6. Children are very inquisitive. These seem to be mostly science related.There are nice encyclopedia's for children available for this purpose. Don't think it is too hard for her. She will enjoy it a lot. (And you will also learn a lot, like me, haha). But sometimes a very small answer is just sufficient to quence her thirst for more knowledge.  

  7. Kids are very creative... my brother once came up to my father and I and said, "I know that people who cant see are blind and people who cant hear are deaf, but what do you call people who cant smell?"  it's totally crazy and they just leave you flabergasted!  By the way, the ocean is blue because it reflects the sky!  At night the ocean is black!  You can only buy 96 cents with an Australian dollar because your dollar is more in demand, which ups its value.  The sky is blue because the sun hits the gases in the atmosphere and bounces off the gases affecting the blue wavelength of light more the the red and green wavelengths.  The babylonians and Egyptions decided to divide the day into 12 equal hours and the night into 12 equal hours creating the 24 hour day!

  8. well I just feel the need to point out that no one decided that there are 24 hours in a day! Thats how long it takes for the earth to go around the sun.  Thats why the sun rises every 24 hours.

  9. hehe. i have a niece who asks alot of questions that i dont know the answer to.. i often tell her i dont know but if you'll study hard on school you would knw someday..

  10. Isn't that good? Shes curiuos about wats around her, shes wants to learn...Shes observant...

    just wait, after a while, when she grow up and know things better, she will definately stop asking such questions... i have a young cousin that did that before too, in fact it was cute, but after a while, when she learnt how to use the encyclopedia and dictionary(i think so) ..she stops

    You can try buying her books for her to read, increase her general knowledge...etc...keep her with something to do instead of asking n asking questions....

    or u can teach her how to use the internet to search for her answer? perhaps for 6 years old is a little too young, but u can try when shes older? hehe... XD

    just nvr nvr ever ever get impatient towards her...

  11. There's nothing amazing about those question they are typical questions from a six year old.

  12. If I didn't know the answer to one of her questions I would suggest that we try and find out the answer together by either asking a grandparent, or friend, or looking on the internet or something.

  13. everyone asks questions like that when there little...just tell her thats just the way they are or because they wanted to

  14. wow your daughter is pretty bright well I'm pretty sure it comes from television if she watches it  

  15. Sit down and enjoy the ride.  My 9yo does it and the questions get harder and harder.  Fortunately you have the net so research the important ones together.  

    You are blessed with a deep thinker.

  16. It seems pretty normal to me...just at that stage of curiosity I guess, and plus a lot of those questions can come from watching the telly (for example, a glimpse of the news can spur the finance questions)

  17. well tell they the answers DUH

  18. Dont worry i'm also like that in my child hood and now iam a computer engineer. dont worry she is clever but one thing it is better to dont encourage.Gd luck God bless 2 ur child

  19. Welcome to the wonderful world of kids learning their world.

    Answer what you can and come to the internet and type in the questions (with her beside you or on your lap) and see what answers come up.

    Some are asked here repeatedly (blue ones), while automobile might require more knowledge than she can handle now but some good animations of engines and cars are out there to help.  24 hours falls somewhere in between - you should look at answers on Google or Yahoo search and see what might be best to work for you and her to understand.  

  20. thats so cute.

    just answer as best you can abd thank her for the question

  21. I'd say get her on a computer, teach her about search engines and wikipedia, for a while you'll have to sit down with her and find the answers to these great mysteries but eventually she'll be learning all on her own. I'd never leave her alone with the internet, filtering software is flawed at best and the only way to have any influence over what your kids find online is to pay attention to what they're doing.

  22. aww ur daughter is adorable ^^

    next time wen she asks an "amazing" question u can say u'll lean that in skool or wen u grow up. =]

  23. kids ask those kind of questions, and all you have to do is give a simple answer.  the other week i was trying to put my son (5 yrs old) to bed, and i thought that he was sleeping cause his eyes were closed, then he opened his eyes and said : "mummy, what is dna?"

  24. if u dont know the answer for those you must not be to bright  

  25. Eh just a correction, its the time it takes for the world to make a complete revolution, not spin around the sun, it takes a year to make a complete spin around the sun.  I know when I was younger I was like this.  All my parents did was tell me what they knew and tell me if they did now know.    Eventually she'll come to an age where she can figure the stuff out by herself.

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