
My daughter Lindsay is going to a her friend Britni's pizza party. But every time she eats pizza she vomits.?

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I don't know what is wrong. She really wants to go this party and she's not gonna turn pizza down cause she's 9. I don't want her to feel left out, but I don't want her to be embarrassed when she heaves all over the place. I took her to the doctor and he said there's nothing he can do. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. If your daughter is going to a public restaurant, chances are they serve things other than pizza. Tell your daughter to order something that won't make her sick. Be sure you also inform her friend's parent about her. If her friend is making the food, make her a lunch to bring.

    It sounds as if your daughter's vomiting is an allergic reaction to something in the pizza. My question to you is whether she gets the same reaction if she eats certain breads/vegetables/pizza toppings/ etc.  

  2. My child can't eat pizza, ice cream, or any other dairy product because she is lactose intolerant.

    She brings chinese food and dairy-free ice cream to parties.

    A nine year old is plenty old enough to make the choice between getting sick and eating something other than what the host is serving.  

    All the best.

  3. if her friend knows about it her friend can get her a salad or something else to eat when my sister had her party my brother's girl friend doesn't like pizza so my dad order her chicken wings instead of having pizza but everyone else go pizza. if it is at their house maybe you can tell the parents about it or offer to get her something she can eat and keep down so she can have food, fun and be with her friend at the same time she wont be left out. i hoped i helped you

  4. just tell the party organizer that your daughter is allergic or gets sick when she eats pizza. they should understand and make sure that she has something else to eat.. or have her eat ahead of time. she can participate in making the pizza and help to decorate.. but sit out when it comes to eating. everyone will understand.. i promise. let her go!

  5. why don't you give your daughter something to eat thats different than pizza so she doesnt get sick. if you have time, try making your own pizza at home with ingredients she can eat in other things. it might be different than what the other girls have but its better than being sick. or.... you could schedule something for that night. and she has to come with you. she might be mad for a bit but she would be able to get over it. or... you could have her eat dinner before she leaves the house so she isnt hungry.

    i really dont know quite what to do. hope i helped.. or at least sparked an idea!

  6. tell the mother she can't eat pizza. Simple. Then provide something else for her. Lot's of kids can't eat certain foods and at 9 she is more than old enough to realise she gets sick from pizza and not to eat it

  7. What about breadsticks?  They are like pizza - and maybe others will want them instead of pizza too?

  8. Nothing he can do???  There's got to be a reason why she's vomitting.  Have you had her tested for Celiac disease?  It's an allergy to gluten which is found in wheat.  Does she have issues when she eats bread and pasta?

  9. Sounds like she is dairy intolerant or has a dairy allergy.  How does she react to milk products other than cheese on pizza?  Or it could be the sauce she is allergic to or the flour in the crust.  I do think it is pretty tacky allowing her to go to someone else's party knowing she will be throwing up in the middle of it.  Yes she is 9 years old and no she isn't going to be happy about having to not go...or else you can take her to the party and remain there get her something else to eat other than pizza and make sure she doesn't eat pizza.  You can't expect the birthday girl's parents to be sure your child doesn't eat foods that make her sick.  And the parents don't have to deal with your child getting sick in the middle of THEIR child's birthday, this party isn't for YOUR daughter it is for THEIR daughter.  

  10. get some pasta for her

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