
My daughter WANTS to be a Cheerleader. It's $535.00. She's 8. What do you think? P.S. - California.....

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We have enough $$$, but is this resonable?





  2. my daughter started cheerleading at 6, she was a very shy timid child, my sister suggested getting her into a sport maybe if she found something she was good at she would gain confidence.  well we tried soccer and she picked grass thru the whole game.....then we tried cheerleading the first to practices she just watched, the third practice i cheered with the the fourth practice she told me to go home and come pick her up after practice!!! it was the best think that ever happened to both of us!! i pay 2000.00 a year and that does include the travel expenses.  its a lot but seeing her grow as a confident athletic young girl is worth it.  it is also an investment there are college sclalorships for cheerleading.  i will say she does have to keep up her grades, behave and do lots of chores to be able to participate.  she knows as soon gets a c she is off the squad.

  3. h**l to the no!  

    Sit down and show her what $535 is in your budget.

    Show her what else $535 can do.

  4. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but it sounds like a lot of money. I assume it includes an outfit and some training. Affording it is not the only issue. Does she really want it? Is she respectful of you and others? Does she do well in school? If the answers are yes, this would be a nice reward.

  5. Tell her that she can join, but only if she "earns" the money by helping out extra around the house. It will help her understand that she has to work for what she wants, especially when its that expensive!

  6. Actually that is the price nowadays for cheer.  And it might be more if you have to pay to enter to go to a game.

      It is a great experience for some kids.  I had a shy niece who did cheer and is outgoing now.. she is also 8.  My daughter is confident of herself and loves to make up routines she is also 8.

    It is a big commitment.WIth practice and games.

    It is expensive, but I see positive things that came out of it.

    Making new friends, new experiences, new commitments etc..

    If you do decide to sign her up I would make sure that you or someone at home is committed to it too.   Taking her to practice and games and competition if they do go. It is a great sport but an expensive one too.

  7. well if she wants to do it let her but because its expensive tell her she has to get good grades and dont let her quit!!!! happened to mi cousin her mom wouldnt let her quit now she loves it

  8. Why is it so expensive?!

  9. Oh, you said California; now that explains it, lol.

    Well, I don't know what to say except that I used to be a color guard member (you may or may not be familiar with them, they spin flags and dance along with the marching band, etc.), and it cost me only $150 to join...but there was another school, where the price was $1500...I was wondering where any of these kids (or their parents) got the money to join that stuff.  It depends on what your priorities are, I guess...

    Well, she's eight years old.  I would say that if she has shown history of not being a quitter, consider it.  It is way expensive but you could have her "earn" it by having her do work around the house or neighborhood or something.

  10. ....let her do it then............................make her stick to it......................................... it she doesn't.................................... her no more cheer leading in......................................... life ...........................................

  11. Yep, that's what it is.  It depends... if you have the money, then yes, it's a great team spirit and fun.  But, if it's going to put a big dent in your budget, explain that to her.  When my daughter did it, it was only 250... wow!

  12. Well, is it 535 for how long? A year, a semester, a month? Also is there a way she could try it for a cheaper amount,say a summer camp program that doesn't run as much just to try it out?

    Can you daughter do splits, cartwheels? If not maybe you should get her into gymnastics or tumbling first to learn those skills that she will probably need in cheering.

    Can you pay a portion up front just to try it, that would make a big difference.

    Hope you find the right activity for her.

    In my opinion cheerleading is fun and athletic, but some of those costumes are way to risque.

  13. well if you can afford it and she is goiing to stick to it i say okay

  14. I think that's a completely unreasonable amount to spend on any activity for a child. Aside from the fact that I think cheerleading is stupid and sexist, your daughter is too young for it anyway. Something as sexualized as cheerleading should wait until at least middle school.

  15. Only 8? Let her grow a little bit, she's gonna grow out of her outfits 5 times over before she's 17.

    But its your choice, i'd show her what 535$ can do in a budget, me and my brother earned 100$ less than that in 3 full days of hard work at a construction site, combined.

    h**l, you can get some really crappy cars for that amount of money.

    But if you think she's really into it, and you think its the best use of the money, then go for it.

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