
My daughter WAS a stright a student 3 years now she is c,d, f, she says its the teacher, teach says its her?

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My 3rd grader is bright, has been all her life. The past 3 grades she was a's and some b's. A teachers dream! This year she immediatly started out making a few c's and has gradually fell to c's. d's and f's. There was an incident a couple of months ago: she came home upset, said her teach grabbed her, yelled at her and SHOOK her by the shoulders. I called the school upset but nothing was done and the teacher denied shaking her but I believed her, she had no reason to lie. Before that day the had been a's b's and c's and after that day the a's and b's went away and f's started. Teach is writing notes in her agenda every other day and says she thinks my kid is A.D.D. but I DONT BUY IT she is a low energy well manored, well behaved girl and in the past prior to THIS did excellant! I have asked and ask my girl what is wrong, could it be something else? All she has to say is teach is so mean and they dont get along. Principal wont put her in a new class. I dont know what to do.




  1. Perhaps the two of them are carrying-on outside of school.  Is she on control medicine?

  2. If the principal won't do anything, I would go to the school board and see what can be done. I would not want my child t go through that or any other child in the future.

  3. Listen to the teacher

  4. OK Wat i would do is just talk to the teacher and explain to her how your daughter feels and if she does not help maybe you should consider sitting down wen no one else is home except her and really really really really really really really really really  talk to her and figure out Wat is wrong an maybe it is a bully or boys or the work is to hard or friend  problems or  hormones

  5. teachers have no business laying hands  on the  kids, if she admitted to the grabbing and yelling, it is likely she shook her as well. if your daughter done fine until this year there is a very good chance that it is the teacher, at least in part, i would have a meeting  with the teacher, id tell her to knock off the add nonsense  on my daughters  papers (your daughter is seeing these as well) and tell your daughter to hang in there, the school year is almost over and she will have a different teacher next year ( thats what i keep having to remind my daughter of, her teacher sucks this year)

  6. I would have meeting with the teacher and the principal.  Obviously something is upsetting your daughter, but it is highly unlikely - but not impossible, or course - that the teacher grabbed her, yelled at her, and shook her.

    IMO, your daughter is unable to articulate what is wrong.

    For example, the teacher spoke firmly to the whole class (kids usually call it yelling), and if your daughter is sensitive, she might have reacted strongly.

    Or, maybe the work is getting difficult, and she doesn't know how to tell you that she is feeling overwhelmed.

    Unfortunately, ADD is a term often thrown out casually and incorrectly.  Still, calm children can be affected (hence no 'H' for hyperactive).

    Most principals regard changing a child's class to be the last resort.  Find out what the principal was thinking.

    It sounds like you were probably upset when you called.  That is understandable, but it will not help the situation.

    So, go to the meeting without guns blaring.  Your really don't have enough information at this point to draw any conclusions.

  7. pull her out of that school. If the Principal won't help the situation you can always change schools. If you don't feel that is feasible try calling the school district and talking to the superintendent. Be calm and polite. Present facts and how you would like it solved. A lot of the time you will get your way.

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