
My daughter always seems hungry after breastfeeding her? she's 5 weeks old?

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okay I think she gets enough milk from me bc she has plenty of wet diapers as well as at least 1 big bowel movement a day. yesterday and 2 day I ran out of formula which I supplement with maybe once or twice a day since she was 1 week, and I still got plenty of wet diapers from her when feeding her with just my breast and one bottle of 2 0z pumped milk (after only 30 min of pumping). however after i take her off my breast she cries and cries. I don't know what 2 do. even after feeding her say 5 0z of my breast milk she cries afterwards like she is still hungry. I don't think its bc of gas bc she doesnt arch her back or anything 9Ive seen ehr with gas pains b4). I cant just let her cry so even after what Iknow is a good feeding, she cries and so I put the pacifier in her mouth but she will only tolerate it for maybe 30 min then start crying again. I will check ehr diaper burp her etc and she will keep crying so I put her to my breast and away she sucks like shes starving! I am just wondering if maybe the consistency of breast milk doesnt stick to her stomach, and thats why with formula she can go at least 4 hrs without being fed?

at night time she will go to sleep for maybe 3-4 hrs depending on how long i nursed for and if she was given formula or not that night (I usually supplement at night). anyways I dont know what 2 do or think. Why even after plenty of wet diapers of just breast milk all day she seems never full or satisfied and constantly hungry? please help?

and when she cries the only thing that works is to nurse her it's the ONLY thing that can put her to sleep or give her comfort. I cant have her living off of my boob all day please help. If could she would be attached to my boob 24/7. I am also wond4ering if maybe for ehr it's a psychological thing?




  1. I seriously doubt the crying is psychological.  If she seems hungry still after nursing try letting her nurse longer.  Even though YOU think she's had enough let her nurse longer anyway.  Let HER determine when she's finished nursing.  Her nursing will cause you to produce more milk.  the volume of milk your baby needs will determine the output from your b*****s.  The more a baby needs the more mommy produces.  If she's still hungry for goodness sake, feed her!

    My youngest was like your baby.  She wouldn't sleep more than 15 minutes at a time.  Wanted to nurse all the time.  when I decided to sit in the rocking chair with her and let HER decide when she was finished she became a happy baby.  Maybe she needed the extra holding or touch.  Who knows?  Whatever the need is it's best to let the baby decide when she's ready to be put down.  

    Your baby will be small for such a short period of time.   All too soon you will be able to resume your "normal" life.  Enjoy her while you can.  It'll soon be over.  

  2. Try supplementing the breast milk with some type of formula

  3. My oldest child was that way. You don't say how long you bf her for, but my baby was only satisfied, after about 45min. of nursing. maybe increase the nursing time by a bit, and as soon as you're done, give her the pacifier, before she starts to cry. Also, when you nurse her, use the same blanket all the time, to cover her while she's nursing, and keep her covered with that same blanket, as you pull her off of you. she'll then learn to associate the blanket with the same comfort that she gets from nursing, and hopefully that will make her less dependent on your b***s for the comfort she needs. (this blanket advice worked wonders for me with my son. I didn't want to end up doing with him what happened to child #1, just like you describe, and this alternative really worked.)

  4. Well Nursing is a very hard thing... Each baby is differ ant My 3rd was a very very hungry baby, and would stay at breast for 45 min to 1 hour..

    If you can afford it buy a scale from babies r us, so you can weigh her before and after feedings so you can see how much she is getting at each feeding..

    Also, see if your insurance covers any Lactation appointments. ( i know Kaiser does) Or check to see if your Pediatrician can help you..

    Good luck and stick it out if you can.. It will get better..

  5. well she could have gas it depends on what you eat cause what ever you take in she gets through your breast milk that way you have to watch your diet.  and in her eaten those 5 oz how often do you burp her?  she might  not be on you nipple all the way and getting hair in her tummy.  if she have any gas our she seem like she in pain try rubbing her tummy  clock ward kind on firmly but not to had this will let her to be able to pass gas and if she is having  a hard time pooping that will ease that also and another thing you can do is hold her feet and roll them in your tummy and that will also help her pass gas but first i would watch what you eat.  

  6. I'd suggest you stop supplimenting with formula.  It's very possible that it's messing with your supply.  Every bottle of formula that you give your baby is a missed chance for her to stimulate your body to make more milk.  It's possible that's why she's attached to your breast a lot (although being attached to the breast 24.7 is totally normal at 5 weeks- trust me, it won't last.).  

    It's also possible that she's going through a growth spurt.

    She needs to nurse a lot for 2 reasons:

    1- So she can get lots of nutrients to grow!

    and 2- (most importantly) To stimulate your b*****s to make more milk.  Breastfeeding is supply/demand.  The more your baby demands, the more your body will supply.  The more your body makes, the more she can take in at once.  The more she takes in at once, the less often she'll feed (eventually).

    Just hang in there, mama!  Everything sounds normal to me.  It'll get better in a week or two.  6 months from now, you'll look back at this time (what us mamas with slightly older babies refer to as "the blur") and you'll remember fondly the days of lounging around nursing and cuddling with your baby.  You won't have a baby attched to your boob 24.7  :)

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