
My daughter always takes her socks and shoes off?

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I have a nearly 15 month old girl and everytime we get in the car the first thing she does is takes her socks and shoes off so then everytime we get to our distination I have to search for them in the back somewhere then put them back on again. She has been doing this for months and is driving me absolutly nuts and I find it extremely annoying and frustrating. Does your kids do this, and is their a way to stop her from doing this.?




  1. my son is 13 and still does this! only difference is hes big enuf to get um on himself again lol

  2. My daughter is 21 months and still does it. I dont think there is a way to stop her from doing it. It is something you just may have to deal with.  

  3. My daughter did this too. Don't even bother putting her shoes on,  Obviously you'll have to carry her to the car.  Or, you can try finding a pair of shoes that she can't get off so easily.  You could try high top shoes.  Those are much harder for babies to get off their feet.

  4. When my daughter was 15 months she did this same thing, so frustrating huh!

    It is just a phase that she will grow out of - no telling how long though. My daughter figured out that her feet were cold through winter if she took them off so she stopped doing it at about 19 months, thankfully. But your daughter at 15 months is probably still too young to reason with.

    As others said, my first thought is to just keep it all off til you get there.

    Or you could try lace up shoes and do a double knot so she can't get them off.

    Or you could give her something else to do in the car, she's probably bored just sitting there. Maybe a toy or food of some kind. My daughter and I sing songs together in the car which keeps her entertained.

    Good luck!

  5. What about a type of shoe she can't undo herself ?

    My mum told me I did this.  I refused to wear any shoes then my mum found this bright red soft silk chinese slipper type shoe that I loved and would constantly wear and then she got me onto wearing shoes I started taking off half my outfit leaving a trail of clothes behind me..

    I think finding a way to make it a game might help, and really being positive when she keeps them on or finding a pair of shoes she really loves and giving her loads of hugs when she does keep them on.

  6. My daughters 1 and does it.

    I think most kids do it and no there is no way to stop her, how about just waiting until you get to where you are going and THEN put on her shoes so you don't have to look for them?

  7. Ah yes, that wonderful age... For some reason my youngest skipped it as he loved his shoes! But my elder 2 used to do it all the time, until they were walking far more than being in a buggy or pram.Short of glueing them to her feet or tying string to them and running it through her trousers (like they used to do with gloves) there's not a lot that can be done! She will grow out of it, but probably not before you've spent plenty on replacement shoes and socks that have been thrown off without you noticing! If the weather is warm enough or she has a snug enough blanket, leave her without shoes and socks, or put tights on her.

    Oh and incase people are worried, yes i was joking about the glue part lol!

  8. Quick, before it gets warmer ... buy some tights for her, at least she can't take these off, then like someone else suggested with the socks, take her shoes off when she gets into the car. Maybe by the time it gets warmer she wil have "forgotten" she can take her socks off ...   Another suggestion is the distraction method, keep her occupied with something else. You can also get these toys that streatch across the car seat, if you can get one that prevents her from seeing and reaching her feet that might work. Good luck. If nothing works, you may as well accept it, she'll only do it for a short period of time (in the scheme of things!).

  9. my daughter does the same thing. she's 2 now but she's been doing it for well over a year. she hates to wear shoes or socks.   I don't really have advice for you since mine can manage to take ANY type of shoe off... we've tried them all.  I don't get upset tho, i just sometimes get a bit ticked if we go somewhere and it's raining and therefore I have to stand there and put them on her again while I'm getting rained on. But other wise it doesn't bother me.  

  10. I would just not put her shoes nad socks on her until you get out of the car!

  11. My daughter does this too! She just turned 16 months.

    Her problem is just the socks though. If you take her shoes off in the house, she'll take her socks off immediately.

    I would take off your daughter's socks when you get in the car so you know where they are.

  12. My children do it, you have to think about it, shoes are not comfortable. They are not comfortable to us as adults so you have to realize that they may feel the same way. Our feet get hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable when it comes to having shoes on our feet and theirs do also. The only difference between us as adults and her is that we know when its appropriate to take them off.Personally, I am 30 yrs old and still take my shoes off every chance I get (I really hate those things)

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