
My daughter and Acting... this is very confusing.?

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My daughter is 5 years old and she just went to a casting fo John Robert Powers. I was told that they would like to work with my daughter,maybe because she is very active and way to smart for her age.So i went to the interview and the fee was crazy, it was $5,900. The guy at this agency talk to my little one and even had her do a commercial. I have been so stress out over this that i have not gotten any sleep for 2 days now. I was so confuse cause i don't have the money i am looking for ways to make this money up and then i went online to do some research on this company and i found out that this company is a scam and now i got a little one who is excited and very hurt because she wants to be a pop start so bad. I need some help.Can someone tell me what i need to do with my little one in order to guide her to the right path to succes.






  1. you found a con artist find a legit agency.i dont  know squat about thisbiz but i think if she has commercial potentiall they would pay you not you pay them don't chase if you don't have does she have talent or are you chasing a dream maybe call a drama coach or an arts teacher in your community for evaluation

  2. something like needs to be filtered and monitored by you, strictly...this is a five year old CHILD. i do not get parents who are willing to place their CHILDREN into a society that grinds out child stars into pathetic, alcoholic, ego-maniacal, drug rehabbed adults. after all the paris hilton/brittany spears/hannah montana c**p that we have had to deal with, parents are still willing to sacrific their childs only chance at childhood because....WHAT?....they think their 5 year old can rationally make the decision that they want to be a pop star? a five year old!?!?! i'm not even a parent and this completely digusts me.

    i'll tell you what to do with your little one....let her be a child. don't sell her soul to hollywood. of course she wants to be a pop star, society is pushing it down every little girls throat right now. BUT SHE'S 5!!!! let her brain at least start to form before you listen to her tell you she's going to be a pop star. you, first and formost, need to be her parent. i'm sorry she's excited and thinks she should be famous, as most 5 yr old do?, but she needs to know that right now, all that other stuff is a hobby. and maybe the right path to success would be an education....i'm just takin a stab here.

    i'm sorry for my tone but i just don't get it and i feel that you may possibly represent that portion of our country that looks like they are willing to sell off their child. i'm sure you're not, and i'm making a lot of terrible assumptions about you but i'm strictly looking at the facts. you didn't even do any research on the company before you took her. you did it as an afterthought and now you have to pay for it...literally. take your daughters future seriously. refocus her on being a normal little girl. enroll her in voice lessons, dance lessons, acting in the community. why you want her commercialized at 5 i will never get but i would really sit down and think about what's going on before pushing her any further into this world. success should not be defined by pop culture.  

  3. She's only five. I'm glad you found out JWP was a scam before giving them any money. There are many moms who were not so lucky.

    I agree with the statement that you can slow her down and have her take theatre and acting classes at the community theatre. Some of the children's theatres don't even accept students under age seven, but you can check into it. I live in a small town and even our theatre has summer classes for ages 4 and up. Obviously summer is over now, but your daughter will have plenty to do going into kindergarten and you can get in touch with the community theatre now. You can also get her voice lessons to start.

    I am sure she wants to be a pop star and that is very sweet, but what she needs to know is that the people who do well in performing do it because they love it and would keep doing it even if they hadn't been discovered.

    The people I know who have become famous performers did express an interest by age 4 or 5, but at that age they were not pushed into it -- it was their play; picking up an instrument and playing along with records, etc. or in my case (and I'm not a famous performer but I am a working novelist and playwright) putting on plays and making my friends put on my ballet costumes and act them out.

    Anyway, you can get your daughter voice and acting lessons/classes for way less than $5,900.

    Best of luck to both of you.

  4. Slow her down and get her some real acting classes (check your local children's theater or maybe a community college) and/or dance classes. Those are real, tangible things she can do today if she really wants to be in show business. Being in a dance recital will be plenty exciting for her. Tell her she can pick out a fun leotard for class and she'll get to wear a great costume and lipstick for the performance.

    Forget about the overnight success places. They don't exist and they just want your money.

  5. its a SCAM

  6. i started getting in to that buisness when i was about 3

    one of the most important things ive learned is JRP is the biggest scam out there and that overnight success places dont exist.  they just want your money

    i started with dance classes and lots of them

    maybe she should do singing lessons 2 or 3 days a week for an hour each time

    then get her a good headshot---that will cost between $50-$600--->look on Craigslist or a local photography studio, but Craigslist will be much cheaper and may even have a photographer willing to barter(ex: ill take headshots of your daughter if she models for my portfolio)

    then submit her to agencys

    hope it helps

    if you want me to post how to get an agent, just edit the question

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