
My daughter and son 9 and 7 they do really good on the computer but not on their school work.?

by  |  earlier

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we will teach them something now and then in a few minutes they will forget what they have learn, but can remember on the computer. i need some free sites to go on please help




  1. ok im not encourging u 2 do anything rash but u have 2 start using dicipline with ur kids tell them no computer means no computer if they stay on god knows where they might end up it could have good side effects but it will have more bad then good so put up the rules and tell them after skool work they can use the computer 4 an hour only.....hope i helped

  2. Easy solution to the problem:

    Don't let them use the computer!

  3. Control of the computer and the TV is the responsibility of the parents - You need to set down rules, finish your homework, then you can go on the computer.  They will whinge and moan and groan, you stick to your guns, let them know you mean business, they will start to then be able to play the comp....

  4. have them take online course.

    Or are u worried they are not going to get good grades, and then someday be behind on their goals and dreams?

    Challenge them to make a living on the internet and they'll make a fortune.

  5. Your children might suffer from ADD but I do not suggest putting them on medications. Try teaching them with the radio on. Use different techniques like making learning games. For example you sang the alphabet to them for them to memorize it so try making goofy songs that will help them remember the information. Sometimes information just needs to be given differently. Find out how they learn best. Through movement, listening or viewing. It sounds like they are not big on listening but might benefit from learning through movement or using visual aids. Try flash cards and games. Offer rewards when they get things right. What I mean by movement is make the lesson physical. If you're teaching them math use real money and let them hold it. That worked for me. I couldn't do math to save my life until my parents gave me acutal dimes, pennies, dollars, etc. Then it became more than just a concept it was reality. Since they are learning with the computer it seems like their school work is probably just boring. Make it more interesting and they should respond better. I would not suggest relying soley on the computer. They need cognitive skills away from a screen.

  6. unplug the comp

  7. Take away the computer and TV for 5 minutes!

    Buy them books and throw away the Ritalin.

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