My daughter is 6 months old, and she is always trying to gag herself. She does have a fake cough, and I know that part is normal, but sometimes she really gets going, and then I think she cant stop. When she gags, her whole tongue comes out of her mouth - there has been 1 or 2 times when she really did throw up. This has been going on for only a few days, and at first I thought she had swallowed something, and it got caught. Like a piece of fuzz/hair, or a left over piece of her morning toast (zwieback toast - Gerber biter toast). I'm really not sure. I have had someone tell me that it is all just a stage, and then my mom suggested we get her uvula checked (the thing that hangs in the back of your throat). She said that it just might be swollen, because that happens a lot with younger babies. I am going to bring her to the doctor first thing Monday morning - as to I am extremely finicky when it comes to the baby. LOL. Who isn't? Anyways, has anyone else ever experienced this, and what came of the situation?