
My daughter cries alot when i say no or scream and tell her this is wrong she don,t hear me and do what she ne

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my daughter cries alot when i say no or scream and tell her this is wrong she don,t hear me and do what she need i try to punish her by telling her we,ll not go out today or i,ll not take her to the park or the mall but i think she don,t understand me what can i do?




  1. Uhh, she's almost two maybe? My sister's almost two and that's just what babies do. You shouldn't be screaming at her unless she's going to hurt herself.

  2. at 24 months, they don't have all the language skills/vocabulary to express themselves.  You also can't yell or scream at them, because that just elevates their frustration levels more.  You have to calmly (I know its hard) explain what they are doiing wrong, why its wrong, etc.  Also, at that age, they don't understand things that aren't immediate, ie-removal of toys or turning off their cartoon.  They don't understand things that are going to/not going to happen later in the day.

    My son is 3, and we've been seeing a psychologist for several issues (military seperation from his dad's deployment, O.D.D.) and this is some of the advice they have given me.

  3. It's hard when they are that young, they are always testing their boundaries. Be sure you are firm in your answers, but not aggressive.  

    Give her choices and stick to your word.

    "if you don't stop screaming, we're not going to the park" say her choice to her a few times , have her repeat what you said back to you so you know she heard it. then follow through. don't take her to the park if she continues the bad behavior. She may cry more at first, but eventually she will learn that is the choice she made for herself.

    I still have to do this with my daughter (she is 4yrs old) and its very hard especially when they scream and cry. You want to give in just to make them stop. But then that makes them think they are the boss of you.

    All in all, just stick with ur word. And make it clear to her that she is making her own choices with her behavior.

  4. Let her cry it out, or sit her in time out or in her bedroom by herself and wait for her to cool down. She's learning her limits -- she might hate it, but she'll learn to deal that she can't always get what she wants. Even if she has to scream her head off.

    Your punishments, like letting her not go to the park, are probably not registering in her. You might want to say, "When you calm down, we can go out. We're not going to the park/mall until you calm down and stop crying."

    Don't get mad. Don't give her attention. Basically, she's screaming until she gets her way. She likes the attention, and she probably knows that if she's annoying enough and loud enough, you'll give in.

    Set her away by herself, and let her get angry and frustrated. It's totally normal for her to be angry. Separate yourself from her, but absolutely don't give in. You're not going to be able to rationally explain things to her.

  5. Maybe you should stoppppppp yelling at her. My god shes just a baby A--Hole!

  6. Why would you scream at her?  She is just a baby.  That is why she cries a lot.  She is crying for a reason, maybe because you are not very nice to her?  Something you are doing is not working, try making her happy by finding out what she wants instead of punishing her.  She is too little for that.

  7. cuz shes 2!  duhhh terrible 2's  and plus she still a baby.  poor thing i hope ur not mean to her.

  8. Don't scream at her, get down to her level and say no and redirect her.

  9. It is probably scaring her when you yell. Talk to her calmly and tell her that you can't do what she wants. Get her interested in doing something else. Like helping you clean house or doing the dishes. she can maybe help rinse them. My kids love to help clean the house. Get a swifter sweeper  mop and let her "mop"  the floor. then praise her for it and try  to treat her out for all her big help. When you tell her no take her in your arms and explain that what she is doing is harmful or wrong. Kids  want  attention but in a good way. Remember to tell her you love her numerous times a day. Tell her you need a hug or kiss. Also, you NEED TO MAKE TIME to take her out evey day. Even just checking the mail together and let her pull the mail out. Take a walk around the block or  something. Kids need sun every day. Breathe and be patient. she  doesn't know what danger is or what  life is yet.

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