
My daughter doesnt ask question "why" till now..... sheis four years old??

by Guest11034  |  earlier

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My daughter doesnt ask question "why" till now..... sheis four years old??




  1. Why is the most abstract and the last "wh" word that kids will learn.  I do not think that this is a late skill at only 4 yrs old.  My son just finished kindergarten and many typical kids were just beginning this.  The first of the "wh" that kids understand/use is what, then where is next, then who, last why.

  2. No two children are the same.  Siblings are not alike.  Some children start asking "why" when they are about 2 and do it to the point it almost drives an adult crazy.  Other children seldom ask "why".  

    From your quesiton, it sounds as though you are worried that there is something wrong with your daughter.  Do you have any other reason for concern, aside from not asking "why" until a later time than some children? All concerns about a childs development are best answered by the childs peditrician.  The peditrician is the one that has the "total picture" and can evaluate the child.  Questions on a board like this are only a "snapshot" of one thing about the child.

    The main thing though is don't "compare" your daughter to someone elses child, or even to anohter child of your own.  All children devleop in different ways at different times.

  3. Don't worry, I'm sure she's just fine.  My daughter started the questions at age 2, I would have loved 4.   she's probably just not as curious as some.  She'll be fine.

  4. There is a possibility she was less aware of her surroundings until now.

    My little brother Dylan did the same thing, he just didn't care, and knew if it was that important someone would tell him

    Sometimes kids just become more curious then others at different ages.

    She's fine, just don't leave her hanging :)

  5. Well i was reading something i forgot what and they say that the average 4 year old asks 520 questions a week.

    but it really depends on her curiosity.

  6. all kids ask why all the time.  There curious like a little kitten. there always wondering what things are. and if u say no they are gonna be like why why why why why why why

  7. Mine didn't either!!!  He is perfectly fine.  My two year old asks now, only because she here's her brother asking, and I don't think she really understands it.

    I think it's is perfectly normal.  You should be thankful.  My two year just keeps on going and going and going with the same question like the energizer bunny.  It drives me nuts sometimes.

    I know it's really hard, but don't worry, she is fine.  She probably just waiting for a really good question to ask, what did she ask????  You sound like the kind of parent that would have told her why everything happens or explain everything in detail.  She just didn't need to ask.

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