
My daughter fell and busted her mouth pretty bad. Does she need to see a dentist? Her gums are bruised?

by  |  earlier

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Her and her brother were playing upstairs and they were running in circles like little kids do. She tripped and hit her mouth on the window sill. Should I be concerned if her top gums are bruised? She's never done anything this bad before so I'm not sure what to do.




  1. I'd give it a couple of days, if she starts to hurt or bleed or have difficultly chewing, or if her jaw starts making a cracking sound when she chews or talks then see a doctor.

  2. i would take her to the doctor just to be safe cause if their is damage you would want to care of it as soon as possible

  3. to be on the safe side take her in. there might be a hairline fracture on her tooth, under the gum so they'll take an xray and see if under her gum everything's fine...

  4. yes she does  and if she does not go soon it will get very bad

  5. If she hasn't chipped any teeth and if they don't seem to be loose she should be fine. Soreness should be expected but if it lasts longer than a few days, have her see a dentist to be safe.

  6. Take her to the dentist ASAP.

    Rather be safe then sorry :D

  7. take her to dentist please. you never know what injury can cause a kid later on at early ages.

  8. Definitely. you should take her. you never know what the doctor might say.

  9. ice it!

    but yes i think you should take her to her dentist.

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