
My daughter got a tarantula today. Are they venomous? Do they bite?

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My daughter got a tarantula today. Are they venomous? Do they bite?




  1. First answer has all the info you need.  Keep it in a glass enclosure and avoid handling with bare hands.  Keep it away from face and bare skin.  You may be lucky and be able to handle it for a long time but someday probably when you are very confident about handling it there will be some bad news for you or your daughter.  Like a pit bull they and be tranquil for a long time (maybe for as long as you own it if you are lucky) but there may come a time....... (how old is your daughter... very young are likely to be most easily injured..)

  2. All spiders are venomous to some degree.  True tarantulas are not harmful to humans.  The most dangerous part of a tarantula will be the hairs.  If you aggravate it the spider will flick hairs at you before it bites.  These hairs are like tiny pieces of fiberglass.  At best they itch like h**l.  It worst they get in your eyes and nose

  3. The tarantula is venomous, about as venomous as a bee.  If it were to bite, it would hurt.  Of course, as with a bee sting, some people are allergic to its venom; but not very many, but if the bitten person has a severe reaction, s/he should seek medical treatment.

    The tarantulas sold as pets are generally not aggressive toward people.  If you were to hurt one, likely it would bite in self-defense.  But I haven't known anybody to get bitten by a pet tarantula. They seem to be very calm animals.

  4. In addition to the first couple of answers..if bitten it is sort of like a bee sting.  Painful but not long lasting and not dangerous.

  5. YES!! Extremley get rid of it the only good spider is a dead one!!

  6. No they arnt venomous. yes all spider bite.

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