
My daughter had a tonsilectomy can anyone tell me how long will she be in pain for?

by Guest65969  |  earlier

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hi my daughter had her tonsils out and adenoids out on saturday and she has been in pain ever since i have been giving her pain relief but it wakes her up through the night an she cries i feel so helpless she is nearly 8 i just want to take the pain away for her. has anyone had experience with this before




  1. ...she shouldn't still be hurting so much. I'd call the doctor.  A friend of mine got hers out as an adult (usually much riskier and more painful) and she was totally fine in about 3 days....

    what did they give her for pain relief? Surgery isn't a tylenol kinda hurt, they should have given her something real (or at least perscription strenght ) for about a week.  Are you giving her things like water-ice and ice cream? The cold is helpful..

  2. So glad I am not alone!

    My 15 yr old daughter had her tonsils out on friday and I too, feel completely helpless. Night time is worse (I am guessing because her throat dries out which makes pain worse.

    I have read a few things on line about post tonsillectomy pain and it seems this is all normal. One woman even said the pain of giving birth was preferable to post tonsillectomy pain!

    I know two girls at work who had it done (as adults) and said the pain lasted for 3 weeks! (gulp) especially the ear pain that also occurs.

    Added to that, I work in an ENT department so should have known better but I  just never envisaged patients suffered so much when they got home, but have been told its all normal!

    At the moment my daughter is on 6+ Calpol (can't swallow the tablets) every 4 hours. Ibuprofen 600mgs every 6 hours (melt on tongue) and Codeine every 4 hours. All of this only makes the pain half bearable. I set an alarm to give her her medicine during the night as a missed dose leaves her crying in pain.

    Today I made up hot water bottles to put either side of her head for the ear pain.

    Its so so horrible. I am probably taking her to the drs tomorrow. Not so much because I think its abnormal. More because I need prescriptions for free meds! I am spending a fortune on Calpol and ibuprofen as she needs 4 teaspoons for the 1g she is allowed for her weight/age! I also need to check its ok for her body to receive so much paracetamol.

    The one good thing is she is biding by the rules re - eating toast and crisps (ouch!) and drinking gallons of Ribena.

    Apparently the pain does get worse before getting better :(

    By day 10 there should be an improvement. Role on next Monday I say!!

    Hope it helps to know you are not alone.

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